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Feuer Poems - Poems about Feuer

Feuer Poems - Examples of all types of poems about feuer to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for feuer.

...Mein Frühling brach sich die Hände, der Zauberer in mir will mir nicht begegnen, mein Verdacht ist ohne Wunsch zu leben, wie sehr bereut sich mir mein eigenes Herz? Wie ein Herbstblatt mit seiner......Read the rest...
Categories: feuer, absence, anger, fate, i
Form: Carpe Diem
Premium Member A Lost Kind Returns
...Krummes Holz gibt auch gerades Feuer Crooked logs make straight fires [Work with what you have.] Downcast eyes scan; the larger fear’s in deeds. Germany thrives on the allied dollar havin......Read the rest...
Categories: feuer, freedom, heartbroken, loss,
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member Building Castles In the Sky
...Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach Or What Is in A Name When building Babylonian Towers with the Lego of our minds we construct our world and worlds our truths and meanings our dream......Read the rest...
Categories: feuer, god, religion,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Death Eternal
...Smith and Wesson’s cool steel kisses my right temple. I cock the hammer. The slow clicking of the cylinder’s turn is amplified through the barrel into my ear. Finger resting on the trigger; and I re......Read the rest...
Categories: feuer, evil,
Form: Prose
Andean Peaks/ Andengipfel/ Picos De Los Andes
...Mountains glow like amber As being lit by an eternal fire The sun sets slowly Andean peaks embedded in clouds Shadows spread on ancient sands Berge glühen wie Bernstein Wie durch ein......Read the rest...
Categories: feuer, nature
Form: Tanka

Cloudless / Wolkenlos
...Over the desert, lingers cloudless an empty sky, purposeful, scorching, withers the sun the sands. Unreal the colours, from blue to cream, where shadows play and sun-rays paint thei......Read the rest...
Categories: feuer, nature
Form: Free verse
...Hoch am eisigen Himmel Über dem schroffen Gestein Gleitet der Kondor Dort wo die Vicuñas grasen Treffen sich Feuer und Eis -------------------------------- High in the frigid sky Above......Read the rest...
Categories: feuer, nature
Form: Tanka
Macchu Picchu (German/English/Spanish)
...Du Einsame, in den Bergen getrotzt, versteckt in den Wolken getragen vom Geist des Inka, hochgepriesen, wie von Geisterhand überragst du das zerklüftete Tal des Urubamba. Stein auf Stein, ......Read the rest...
Categories: feuer, history
Form: Prose Poetry
Erkenntnis / Realization (Sentanka)
...Fackeln im Nebel Sehnsucht – leidenschaftliches Feuer Aus der Einsamkeit Erkenntnis aus Vergangenem Wie eingebrannt in den Gedanken ------------------------------------------ Torches in ......Read the rest...
Categories: feuer, life
Form: Tanka
El Tatio
...Vapor of fire and ice Between altiplano and mountains Where some vicuñas graze Lonely geysirs of El Tatio Nature's wonder in the desert Dampf aus Feuer und Eis Zwischen Altiplano und Be......Read the rest...
Categories: feuer, nature
Form: Tanka

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry