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Fete Poems - Poems about Fete

Fete Poems - Examples of all types of poems about fete to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for fete.

Poetry Fete In Heaven
All stars are shining Sky Full of heavenly peace poetry in fete...Read the rest...
Categories: fete, allegory, allusion, beauty, celebration,
Form: Haiku
Fun Fete
I got to dance with Cinderella And boogie with Snow White Under the stardust of Capella And the fairies of night All those pixies beckon me to play Hide and seek with elves nice The smartest...Read the rest...
Categories: fete, fantasy, fun,
Form: Rhyme

Spring Fete
Oh, the soft dulcet breeze of early spring, comes in waltzing this sparkling morning. While clear dew drops blink like diamond rings, and singing birds begin their courting The wild flowers on the meadows, start their yearly resurrection, exhibiting their...Read the rest...
Categories: fete, birth, seasons, spring,
Form: Sonnet
The Village Fete
A glorious azure summer sky, Triumphant with its blazing sun Bestows the land with warmth and life And lifts the hearts of everyone. The Village fete is on today! Come young and old, come rich and poor To hear excited children...Read the rest...
Categories: fete, childhood, community, family, fun,
Form: Quatrain
San Francisco Fete - Co-Authored With Thvia Shetley
Cornices, and Gargoyles with eyes turned low, hold fast the passing in a frozen stare as slow vapor rising from vents below is churned by soles into thick city air. Undeterred, the well-heeled leather bottom wingtips fly past sandaled...Read the rest...
Categories: fete, places, romance, urban, city,
Form: Sonnet

Into the lane come wind, impetuous rain. Trees are now a threat, gesturing wildly, angry, promising to snap, eager to pounce, to crush in an embrace of leaf and crusty bark. The village fête, though, is like the show: it must go on, it must go...Read the rest...
Categories: fete, life, nature, nostalgia,
Form: Free verse
A Summer Fete
The children’s pet show, hoop la, bowls, With happy laughter in the air, The stalls of homemade jams and cakes, And smells of hotdogs everywhere. The Morris dancers with their bells, A beer tent full of merry sounds, The raffles, prizes,...Read the rest...
Categories: fete, growing up,
Form: Rhyme
Light On His Fete
My brother is dyslexic, Which is a bit of a trial And I also think he’s gay But he’s still in Daniel...Read the rest...
Categories: fete, funny
Form: I do not know?
Summer Fete
Windows of opportunity to drift out on the willows A kiss lost, next to the waters’ gloss More than guesses were intact Lining up to act upon a string instrument under a sunshine star There a sweet, sweet...Read the rest...
Categories: fete, lost lovesweet, summer, kiss,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry