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Fervours Poems - Poems about Fervours

Fervours Poems - Examples of all types of poems about fervours to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for fervours.

Chops of Insanity
...In the mid summer hues Oh in the Kingdom of thee Pillars of lust so lofty Dither boneless men like bees Only to mesmerise the seer For its beauty & valhallain A fine glass of amethyst ......Read the rest...
Categories: fervours, allusion,
Form: Classicism
...Once I was one of The lustrous yarn, The yarn that echoes As the bird flew. I embellish the magnificence Of the feathered friend. Then came the tempest. The force that tethered me To the woolly l......Read the rest...
Categories: fervours, emotions,
Form: Personification

Pass Your Hands
...PASS YOUR HAND Pass your hand over The face where I suspect Some salamander song Of passions and dreary touch. Eternity to the eyelids And dark blossoms to the lips The perspiration on the bro......Read the rest...
Categories: fervours, dedication, relationship,
Form: Romanticism

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Too Late For Love
...Huddled up at the edge of my seat, the first day started with me so forlorn.. Glancing around so lost and beat, desperately wishing for a miracle to be born.. Something allured the corner of my ey......Read the rest...
Categories: fervours, lost love, love, school,
Form: I do not know?
The Heat of Passionate Spirits
...In her eyes from across the room our glances make a spark, the magic in our eyes, unmistakable. Upon a brief exchange of chance, something more leads us away from who we are, to a chemis......Read the rest...
Categories: fervours, passionnight, love, magic, night,
Form: Free verse

Pass Your Hand.
...Pass your hand over The face where I suspect Some salamander song Of passions and dreary touch. Eternity to the eyelids And dark blossoms to the lips The perspiration on the brow When change......Read the rest...
Categories: fervours, imagination, introspection, life
Form: Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things