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Eyrie Poems - Poems about Eyrie

municipals bills and Elon Musk
...Municipal Bills and Elon Musk Driving down from my eyrie, I write to sound learned while the extent of my education was as a cook in the merchant navy and often thrown ashore in mystic harbors as ......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, adventure, anti bullying, assonance,
Form: Blank verse
the price of water
...The price of water Driving down from Eyrie- I said that to sound educated, I never had much schooling and often feel inferior when asking for the price of a packet of margarine  I was thinking......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, 8th grade, adventure, america,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Lake District High
...In my New York suburb, I’m mildly fond Of Helvellyn Road, and Gracemere pond But the original Helvellyn called... Ravenglass too, even the name enthralled. Of Lake poets, I eagerly read And I ......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, beauty, mountains, nature,
Form: Lyric
Eagle Quote
...The eyrie is miles away; but egg shells lie in my yard. Eagles? not your ordinary birdbrain. January 19, 2023 Rick Parise: 1 QUOTE ONEQUOTE......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, 11th grade, bird,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Mesquite Threshing
...During your twirling soliloquy & throbbing zeal for endless dalliance beckon me will come again & again to your eyrie on ......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, analogy, appreciation, beauty, cute
Form: Other

Premium Member Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe
...Tim was nineteen years old, getting ready to go to university, His parents had organised his accommodation A house for students, roomy, very near to outskirts of city, His friends shared all cost......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, school,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ode To Poets
...Ode To Poets Poets have vivid imaginations because their minds work differently. They see things others don’t, with an understanding that goes deeper. They bare words on paper smudged by ......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, emotions, imagination, inspiration, poets,
Form: Verse
Premium Member My Winter's Wishes
...In the May-time of my life time bloomed each day a prickly boll – but I, like the softest cotton within such a sharp seed swaddled in the purity of security for what seemed like eternity a l......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, age, god, hope, introspection,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Extreme Eagle Plight-
...exile, exuding, harsh hooching, hitched- evoked, exeme, eyrie, eagles? 7/13/21 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2021©......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, adventure, analogy, bird, destiny,
Form: Alliteration
...subtitle: And YOU called ME a birdbrain? F FALCON F O OSPREY O R RAVEN R E ......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, 11th grade, bird,
Form: Acrostic
Flights In the Gyre of Being
...The chick killed its brother; the weak have to be expelled from the nest, It had to be the last and the first, the one still instinctively pecking, still begging from the raw red mouth to endur......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Christ's Face
...I gazed upon the mighty ocean waves and gasped at their startling potent power. Their crashing on the rugged rocks below, it gave me pause to stop and think of Him. Christ’s face before me ......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, christian, feelings, god, prayer,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Nature's Test
...An eyrie of bald eagles stir, waking to the fresh morning air. Preening and primming flight feathers grooming each with diligent care. Flies buzz around yesterday's scraps, fueled by t......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Quatrain
Comfort In Cupule
...Branches of an oak tree bend and mourn the fall of its last acorn, itself left wanting the warmth of chestnut leaves. Comfort in cupule. Winter searches for mittens lost, misplaced during last ye......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, nature,
Form: Personification
Toiling Hard For Eating Raw
...Everywhere we were, we were in the mood of seeking eyrie At times, life’s roses and prickles prerequisite no banana The forest accommodates amazing trees and flowers pulpit In the sun, the minds a......Read the rest...
Categories: eyrie, analogy, work,
Form: ABC

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