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Eyesore Poems - Poems about Eyesore

Eyesore Poems - Examples of all types of poems about eyesore to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for eyesore.

Premium Member Eyesore and Earsore
In the world of art not everything will be judged with praise. A Picasso will often raise one’s ire as ugly or disgusting, or worse slapped with a lifetime’s score no higher than an eyesore only because there is none lower! Likewise...Read the rest...
Categories: eyesore, humor,
Form: Light Verse
The Last War I Saw
The last war I saw Was Crushing Eyesore And I was dead sure Man badly loves a chainsaw: A film that lowered my lower jaw I regarding the scenes from bare floor: The crazy inclusion of Wasting Chainsaw, With all its quartering...Read the rest...
Categories: eyesore, anxiety, community, horror, violence,
Form: Rhyme

The Last War
The last war I saw Was an eyesore In a crazy film that further lowered my lower jaw And had me dazedly regarding the scene from bare floor Its further showcasing of a monstrous chain saw With all its quartering powers...Read the rest...
Categories: eyesore, sin, strength, tiger, violence,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Last War
The last war I accidentally saw Was an eyesore… In a crazy film that lowered my lower Jaw And had me dazedly regarding the scenes from bare-floor; Its further show casing of a hyperactive chainsaw With all its evilly quartering powers...Read the rest...
Categories: eyesore, conflict, confusion, death, war,
Form: Rhyme
Clad In Gold, Ugliness Is Still An Eyesore To Behold
The cowl or other churchly attire The priest’s habit soiled with desire The fanciest should Lucifer hire His noxious nature will not expire...Read the rest...
Categories: eyesore, clothes, evil,
Form: Quatrain

Closing my eyes as I attend dreams, I come across an iceberg. I understand all- I comprehend the unimaginable, and just as suddenly I wake. My eyes are accustomed- there is darkness- brightened by halogen...Read the rest...
Categories: eyesore, mystery,
Form: Blank verse
Not Always An Eyesore
clutter to me isn't bad, because it: gives me exercise when looking for things, keeps me company when alone in the house, makes my guests concentrate on me, and hides my lack of artistic talent with interior decor....Read the rest...
Categories: eyesore, art, confusion, funny, introspection,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Book: Reflection on the Important Things