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Exceeded Poems - Poems about Exceeded

Exceeded Poems - Examples of all types of poems about exceeded to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for exceeded.
Parting Ways
...At this point she has exceeded her lifespan and the time has come for an upgrade. It sounds so impersonal to speak of her simply as a tool. She was a constant, from the saffron glow of dawn through ......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, bereavement, conflict, death, dedication,
Form: Clerihew
Quite Simply Put
...Just what have I done with my life A man put that question to me I started to think and I gave him a wink But my mind drew a blank, well, let’s see I’ve not built a bridge ma......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, how i feel, life,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Can I Buy An Extra Word Or Two
... My brain is on holiday Sure wish it would alert me I'm cruising along having a ball Then WHAM!!! “Sorry, I'm on holiday” Doesn't happen often to me But when it does, I freak out What......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, cool,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Accident
...I heard it on the radio – An early morning crash, The driver’s fault and then her life Was over in a flash. It happened near my walking path So when I headed out, I knew I’d pass right by to......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, car, new york, today,
Form: Rhyme
... ‘Twas the night before Christmas and we’re thrilled That in our reunion we would be filled With blessings of family-love and cheer Midst fellowship around those we hold dear. Caring ......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, appreciation, blessing, christian, christmas,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member soucouyant
... you … found your way in - a keyhole that I had left unguarded squeezing through with fiery wings folded like leaves I should’ve seen it coming but your “goodbye” had been such a jagged edg......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, analogy, dark, fantasy, horror,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member O Mighty One
...Why must disobedience always prevail in our present days of perfection and self-greed? Why can't we bow our heads above abhorrent Hell, admire creation and discard false creed? O Mighty one, er......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, emotions, fear, forgiveness, future,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Scapegoat
...Punished for nothing and sacrificed For the sake of its murderers vanity They victimized you to satisfy Their own uplifting insanity What was the subliminal god's reaction? Seems he wasn’t too p......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, anger, memory, philosophy, religion,
Form: Rhyme
Sulpicia Translations 2 by Michael R Burch
...These are English translations by of Latin poems written by the ancient Roman female poet Sulpicia. V. Reproach for Indifference by Sulpicia translation by Michael R. Burch Have you no ki......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, body, desire, girl, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Until Then was on a bleak afternoon, that Cancer came and abruptly announced "I am going to be with you for ever. follow me wherever I lead you. fight back if you can, rather if you dare, but indomitabl......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, cancer, death, feelings, pain,
Form: Free verse
My future self
... In another universe I was a dominant spouse Like a dictator I relentlessly ruled my house Wedded a dainty damsel from another city My first flame of desire, she was wonderfully witty My need......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, loss, solitude,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member I want to be your home a music video
...I want to be your home to welcome you in, just so you know you will never again be so alone For though we are temporarily apart and for this time we work on righting our apple carts before the......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, home, inspirational love, miss
Form: Lyric
Premium Member red hot sun
...the sun’s temperature exceeded the absoluteness of herself every day this week had been one hundred and six or higher I saw the sun now as oranges and reds, no longer innocent yellow What is she d......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, sun,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Can I Buy Extra Words
... My brain is on holiday Sure wish it would alert me I'm cruising along having a ball Then WHAM!!! “Sorry, I'm on holiday” Doesn't happen often to me But when it does, I freak out Wh......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, words,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Tides Motel Palm Beach Blvd
...My bus finally pulled in late you were there as promised although I tried not to notice the blonde bimbo adjusting her skirt a cross between pat benatar and Melanie griffith puffing on a......Read the rest...
Categories: exceeded, allah, sea,
Form: Roundel

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry