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Eventualities Poems - Poems about Eventualities

Eventualities Poems - Examples of all types of poems about eventualities to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for eventualities.
Premium Member Discontinued?
...Eventualities don't apply to me (I can dream) no matter their presence in the mirrors of reality Always one step ahead though the shrinking distance haunts like an early frost - t......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, life,
Form: Free verse
Why The Abyss Stares Back
...Time passes, fear grows All eventualities Seep in like poison. A façade of peace, An underbelly of pain. Two halves of one world. Cracks begin to show. Forked tails in elegant clothes Eye......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, absence, philosophy, war, world,
Form: Haiku

Trump, the instrument not the president jews harp, jaw harp plucked from thy heart by the shaman heals meditation steals its rhythms across realms eventualities and through centuries ......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, fun, funny, history, humor,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Crevices
... A wall impenetrable failure's entrance moist eyes note not the crevices Ever-present darkness, daylight concrete pierced with whispers Matter's essence ......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, cry, strength,
Form: Free verse
I Am Here For You
...We've come a long way... Remember: You are not alone. You are safe and protected. You are loved and cared for. You are worthy. You are blessed. Take care and stay safe. Memories from 2020: Thi......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, blessing, courage, god, i
Form: Free verse

Beve Companio
...Between day and night my quiescent hub Eve and dawn slow- dancing in the soft pause Views are hazy lazing in the mellowed rev Eventualities curb as harmo......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, how i feel,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member :::::Dimensions of the Gods::::: space two possibilities three eventualities ~ henceforth......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, allusion, creation, perspective,
Form: Monoku
The Joke of the Hoax
...Believing Covid has to be a plan hatched by humanity hoaxing a deadly disease To which we've no immunity One to see our freedoms cease or fraud shaping economies controlling all within a......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, truth,
Form: Rhyme
...Was it my fault you lost your diamond earrings? You said so. A dozen hotel mornings, packing again, trying to meet itinerary deadlines tightly coiled, breathless hungover. I might have sc......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, poetry,
Form: Free verse
...anything could happen today i mull and sift through likely possibilities rule out the unlikely settle upon the most reasonable as usual I w......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Our Final Dance With Death
...Our Final Dance with Death One way or another in this life each of us shall end up, In that final dance of our life—that dance with Death. Some shall experience this dance routine earlier in l......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, angel, blessing, death, devotion,
Form: Couplet
Not a Girl
...Arguing about- anything/everything— Debating with her- imaginations— carelessly/freely... Opinions about- everything/anything— Insisting-on-convictions unreasonably/freely... Together with ......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, for her, girl, lost
Form: Free verse
...Ponderings As life moves along its continuum As reflection of the past becomes an increasing occurrence As the sun rises and sets each day as before When the hours pass just like they always......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, life, meaningful,
Form: Free verse
When Time Fleets I Began To Cry
...When time fleets I began to cry Such nostalgia, I dignified Started from time to time Endless moonshine, so divine. No secrets, no lies Tears are the hardest to hide Like a toothache that bot......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, emotions, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Living In the Shadows of Life
... Day to year living in the shadows of life Events, eventualities thrown like stones Embedding in ones soul, pointed knives Physical mental scars, some shown This roaming through time, li......Read the rest...
Categories: eventualities, anger, angst, anxiety, deep,
Form: Ottava rima

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