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Evel Poems - Poems about Evel

Evel Poems - Examples of all types of poems about evel to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for evel.
Premium Member Our Evil Knievel Without the Evil
...Jerry was an evel knievel without the evil part. But he definitely was a child with a daredevil’s heart. Get the picture! He would yell as he did flips, flops and other stuff. He proved all the ti......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Take a Chance He Said
...Take a chance the new employee said; the entire room laughed. She is the Evel Knievel of our company, someone informed him. As a newcomer, he was arrogant and a tad bit mean. He never got to meet ......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, work,
Form: Prose Poetry

The Last Hoorah of Old Man Winter 2022
...The last hoorah of old man winter 2022? March twelfth Ded Moroz struts his white stuff first real substantial puncheon found Jack Frost in his glory, he haint no longer morose nor gruff, cuz ......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, adventure, allegory, appreciation, beautiful,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Ever Loved By the Lord
...Ever-loved by the Lord Almighty, greatly eternal Verily blessed with salvation security so vital Earnest in serving thru the Holy Spirit’s empowerment <......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, appreciation, birthday, blessing, christian,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Death-Defying Stunts
...Some say money is the root of all evil I believe it is taking unnecessary risks Let’s ask Evel Knievel! Written August 9, 2021......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, adventure, money, scary, stress,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member If I Am Evel Knievel
...If my bike sails through evil,… there is little doubt I’m Knievel If I Am A Super Heroine-Hero Poetry Contest Sponsor: JCB Burl August 28, 2020......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, evil, hero, humor,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Praise Ye the Lord
...Proclaim the Lord’s faithfulness with worshipful praise* Revel along earnest gratitude in His redemption-grace Adore Him, affirming appreciatively His admirable ways In......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, appreciation, christian, faith, god,
Form: Acrostic
Dunkin Donuts
...I'm at Dunkin Donuts dunking a donut, for the experience. Letting my memories pass through me. Not repressing any of them. I'm pretending to be a scientist of the mind. It's not fun though. ......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, confusion, psychological,
Form: Free verse
Higher Level
...J-ust reach the higher level, O-n the fourth of September; N-ever be stagnant, A-im to become better. L-eap to a higher level, Y-our moment is now; N-ever climb the ladder later, begin to......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Summer Sights
...S ee summer sun beneath hazy hue. U nder summer skies of blue. M eander through mother nature. M esmerised by her summer features. E mmerse in sea your little toesies. R evel in the smell of su......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, beauty, nature, summer,
Form: Acrostic
...Sitting with Joseph playing video games he stated "Thats what I want to do when I get older" talking about the jumps they made on the bikes of the video game a little dare devil waiting ......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, career, child,
Form: Narrative
...Look into my Eyes Date: Tue, Dec 29 2015 at 11:07 PM Ever have Dreams of Death??? Where Ya Soul try to leave Ya Flesh? No Or Yes? It's not just A Heart that's Endowed in the Chest Can you r......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, analogy, me, meaningful, storm,
Form: Free verse
Young People and Computers
...What us the matter with the young people of today? Could it be computers? Stop and think, everything involving young people today has to involve MICRO CHIPS! things were far different when I was c......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, abuse, anti bullying, beautiful,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Knowledge
...Knitted wonderfully with power No need for sorcery or magic to Officially manifest from its acquisition Wisdom always stands at its back door Level of the mind ......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, education,
Form: Acrostic
What Is Blackness
...What is Blackness? Is it the colour of my skin that represents my mentallity? Is it the colour of the crown on my head that shows where I reign? Is it the depth of my soul's missary? Is it in the co......Read the rest...
Categories: evel, dark, death, metaphor,
Form: I do not know?

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry