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Evangelista Poems - Poems about Evangelista

Evangelista Poems - Examples of all types of poems about evangelista to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for evangelista.
...J-ust O-vermatch S-ilent E-nemy's E-erie V-irus A-s N-asty G-rime's E-pidemic L-ink I-mplements S-pread's T-errible A-ttack Topic: Birthday of Bro. Jose Evangelista (June 19) For......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Crisis and Risk
...C-risis A-nd R-isk L-et A-nyone E-xperience V-irus A-s N-asty G-rime's E-erie L-ink I-s S-tarting T-o A-ttack Topic: Birthday of Carla Evangelista (June 11) Form: Vertical Monoc......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

A Comforter's Lighthouse
...If nature is as inevitable, as changes, ultimately defines the weather By the same natures-fortune decree, none of my sin could ever define me For I am my Father’s finely tuned art, look: His Spiri......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, analogy, christian, devotion, encouraging,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Savor Every Excellent Verse
...J-ust O-penly S-avor E-very E-xcellent V-erse A-s N-oble G-reat E-xpression L-ets I-ndividual S-oul T-aste A-crostic Topic: Birthday of Bro. Jose Evangelista (June 19) Form: Vert......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Spell It Out of Faith
...How would you think, God would spell the word “BEAUTIFUL”? The way I see, He would have to first get rid of The “B” and the “E” and then the “A” From there, He would spell beautiful starti......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, imagination, inspirational, religious, word
Form: Free verse

I Love My Mom
...Ever since I first opened my eyes My heart enabled me to see How everything my mom has done and did, she did them all for me I was at the very center of her universe and she was the "Sun......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, child, inspirational love, love,
Form: Free verse
...Do you really know me? I don't think you do, not really Because if you ever did You will not disrespect my name in vain Every time I speak, can you hear my voice? Somehow, I don't thin......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, bible, blessing, love, religious,
Form: Free verse
So It Begins
... Last night, I had an awesome dream In it, I was asking God, "How am I, so far?" And while I tossed and turn, I felt His presence rest In a breeze, He said "My son, it is time to raise th......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, bible, emotions, faith, growth,
Form: Rhyme
Just the Way Love Goes
...I guess this is just how the way love goes Like looking for a raindrop, through every prickly rose Re-defining, how each moment worth as we blindly try To record the stillness of the momen......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, beautiful, bible, inspiration, love,
Form: Rhyme
We Are All the Same
...We are the same you and I Pages from the same book Brothers and sisters in Deity’s eyes Raindrops flowing in a brook Only one God created all of us And we only have one life to live W......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, allegory, funny, giggle, inspiration,
Form: Rhyme
A Chance To Say
...I am looking for someone who can hear me when I can’t say a word I am looking for someone who can understand my flaws when my words are lost I am looking for someone who is willing to guide......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, beautiful, innocence, inspiration, lost,
Form: Free verse
Do Not Seek Too Far
...We seek out the moon for guidance In love and war; as our ideal alliance We seek out the stars for inspirations The best and worst; through all occasions We seek out the clouds for creat......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, love, passion, voice,
Form: Rhyme
A Poet To An Artist
...A poet can see the words, hanging in his mind He applies them like a kid, picking grapes from a vine An artist will then make use of them to construct a bigger leap He will flock every wor......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, allegory, art, christian, poets,
Form: Rhyme
It Is Only Natural
...You and I are natural born poets Established from the Words of God A void-full of nothingness Then love took away the darkness You and I are a-natural work of art Chiseled from, mercy-......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, art, bible, nature, poets,
Form: Rhyme
A Kindred Soul
...I came alone baring only a smile When I lifted up, the veil of immortality While surrendering my wings as to reconcile My rightful birth into humanity I was sent alone with the pure int......Read the rest...
Categories: evangelista, christian, jesus, love, relationship,
Form: Light Verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry