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Ettie Poems - Poems about Ettie

Second Generation Poet
...I am a second generation poet, to My Mother i owe it . Passed down to me as a gift, In a time where my life was set adrift. Time has a way of slowing us down Creating cobwebs in our minds like ......Read the rest...
Categories: ettie, appreciation, growth, i am,
Form: Rhyme
You Know
...Yes, my dear, you know, You are my source of joy, rejuvenation, hope I need your emotion spread onto my life, I need your heart to sing among the darkness surrounding Do not let our words......Read the rest...
Categories: ettie, emotions, friendship, happiness, joy,
Form: Ode

The Teenage Fast Lane
...Living on this weird lane, Here you will never see it rain, Nor will you leave this road sane. We are living fast, We've forgotten the past, We wont live long, lets make this last. Our postivit......Read the rest...
Categories: ettie, fun, teen, teenage,
Form: Lyric
Beyond Amazing
...Extremely thankful For having a genius sis! I'm embracing bliss I'm mighty grateful For being able to make new friends I can't believe it! I'm very content To have fans of all ages To encourage......Read the rest...
Categories: ettie, encouraging, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Dear Oprah
...Octobar 12 Dear Oprah, I know that every day you get a million letters. From people doing good. People doing bad and people doing better. And I know Miss Oprah, that out them million letters, m......Read the rest...
Categories: ettie, depression, inspirational, recovery from...,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry