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Equivalently Poems - Poems about Equivalently

Equivalently Poems - Examples of all types of poems about equivalently to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for equivalently.
Premium Member Unconditional Disregard
...Unconditional disregard sounds similar to my issues with Straight White Male AnthroPrivileged MonoPolistic property developers Taking a contract out against caring for healthy soil and resil......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, culture, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Reweaving Reconnections
...It seems unlikely Left Hemisphere's Either 100% Positive-On Or 0% Negative-Dormant circuitry Could change toward polypolarizing Right Hemisphere's Both Full And NonZero Empty CoPassion A......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, health, integrity, mountains, power,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Chosen Species
...1 universal prime relationship lives within win/win grace 0-whole open integral space Sufficient for unitarian ecofeminist minds spiraling revolving circles of ZeroZone highest and empoweri......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, analogy, earth, environment, health,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Soup Kitchen Luncheon
...He said s/he was a Permaculture Designer of cooperative economies. I asked him/her why I should care about designs long-term while I am still struggling through this day before tomorrow, when......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, appreciation, culture, environment, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Liberal Leftwings of Flight
...It has been said Charles Darwin was not happy with leftbrain's Survival of the Fittest without rightbrain's ecosystemic health roots in Thrival of the Fit-in-ingest, Which Bateson, and other ......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, appreciation, art, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Feeling Better
...Systems, ecosystems, and ego body-systems, patriotic systems and feminist systems mutually improve, grow more robust, resilient, resonant when WinWin relationships between diversely paradigm......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, earth, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Kindness Between Lovers
...Cooperative kindness to others is a fake kindness if this liberating word or freeing action compromises your own integrity, which is disintegrating thereby, an unkindness to your own healthy Eg......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, education, freedom, health, humanity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Apartheid V Spiritual Integrity
...The frontal lobe of Earth's spoken history bifurcates like Earth's revolving molten axis co-arising dervish dance to YangSun's radiant light. So too my SoulCare between Left and Right frontal ......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, creation, culture, earth, education,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Politically Invested Colors
...Let's talk honestly together about our divinely-inspired inter-related concepts, like color, of God's unlimited multiculturing powers for healthy resilience and growth of Positive ultra-violet E......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, color, corruption, creation, earth,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Antiecological Apartheid
...Patriotically empowered boundaries of apartheid are also economic and ecological apartheid of borders unrecognized by MatrioticEarth. Economic and ecological apartheid of Earth's nature ourselv......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, caregiving, education, god, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Life's Disaster Management
...Resilience planning is to Disaster Management for a crippled community, As Permacultural planning is to Anger Management for growing Ego Resilience. When WinLose cards are dealt by climates......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, community, growth, happiness, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Oldyear Burnout
...Burnout is what can come of inspiration, if you're not careful. Gish Jen Degeneration is what can follow manic fast-growth regeneration, if you're not well-seasoned. War and terror c......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, betrayal, culture, earth, education,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Shallow Mountains: Deeper Valleys
...Reading U.S. Political Platforms First I read Senator Obama's Audacity of Hope to strengthen cooperation between Left and Right Wings of our patriotic-matriotic equivalently empowering Eagle. ......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, culture, faith, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Living With Deplorable Adorables
...Loving With BiPolar DisOrders I know if I say That reeks, deplorable, She will only be persuaded all the more, That is adorable. Then I might say I meant intolerable, And she will insist ......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, health, humor, integrity, love,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Evangelists For Health Care
...Evangelists, good news proclaimers, please clarify and declare your health care intentions. Do you prefer God of Love enculturing cooperative health, or prolonging Old School God of elitist mo......Read the rest...
Categories: equivalently, earth, environment, gender, health,
Form: Political Verse

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