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Equestrians Poems - Poems about Equestrians

Equestrians Poems - Examples of all types of poems about equestrians to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for equestrians.

Premium Member Stormy Weather
...Storm clouds overhead, Rain in the forecast. Wind's picking up, Loose leaves soar past. The skies open up, Here comes the rain. Loose leaves flowing, Down a storm drain. Streets are awash......Read the rest...
Categories: equestrians, rain, storm,
Form: Rhyme
The Revered Reverend Martin Luther King Junior
...The revered Reverend Martin Luther King Junior Born January fifteenth nineteen twenty nine if still alive seven years shy attaining age of centenarian father of civil rights movement, the rev......Read the rest...
Categories: equestrians, abuse, age, america, angel,
Form: Free verse

The Revered Reverend Martin Luther King Junior Part First
...Born five score minus seven years ago minus attaining age of centenarian father of civil rights movement, the revered Martin Luther King Junior honored as benevolent demigod figure to the oppre......Read the rest...
Categories: equestrians, america, anniversary, appreciation, beautiful,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Revered Reverend Martin Luther King Junior First Part
...Five score minus eight years ago January eighteenth two thousand twenty one father of civil rights movement the revered Martin Luther King Junior honored as benevolent demigod figure to the oppr......Read the rest...
Categories: equestrians, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Our Daily Bread
...I'm laying here wondering why things aren't free could it be society blundering that could be the key I do not condone the behavior of ancient Rome yet they had entertainment that didn't req......Read the rest...
Categories: equestrians, money, mythology, society,
Form: Rhyme

Olympic Equestrians
...Nothing is so beautiful as equestrian events, watching graceful horses, while droppings add their scents. For true equine lovers, there is such a thrill in the coordination of a well-perform......Read the rest...
Categories: equestrians, games, horse,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member He Stood With Pride
...The old veteran leaned on his cane watching the passing parade, The usual equestrians, John Deere tractors, the local fire brigade. With a trembling hand he saluted Old Glory as it passed by. His che......Read the rest...
Categories: equestrians, patriotic, old, old,
Form: Rhyme
Free Cee I Showed This To Ginsburg the Other Day and He Wants Me To Give Up My Literary License
...SIX AND SO SICK into the eternal. far from the real saddened by six bells which no longer peel six clappers stand now, stilled and so quiet death took them away and life could not deny it ex......Read the rest...
Categories: equestrians, angst,
Form: Englyn
Premium Member Poop and Scoop Brigade
...A parade requires a horde of supporting cast to put on a show: Platoons of committees plus cops to control the traffic flow. But an indispensable element of any successful parade, Is the ever-vili......Read the rest...
Categories: equestrians, funny,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry