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Endearments Poems - Poems about Endearments

Endearments Poems - Examples of all types of poems about endearments to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for endearments.

Premium Member Bleed'N Ink
bleed'n ink like a river slithering around mountains through valleys and over cliffs gushing out falling free all the ink that's in me I urge to bleed personal possessive pronouns in front of your name and every endearment personal possessive pronoun this personal possessive pronoun that personal...Read the rest...
Categories: endearments, romance,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Endearments
I got six endearments in life as far as I could recall From my pre-school to a working staff of a school My uncles and aunts called me Darling in Kinder An apple of their eyes especially...Read the rest...
Categories: endearments, care, cute love,
Form: Rhyme

- Night Endearments -
"True I lust for thine alluring body," Her I apprised, "But swear so adore thy soul." "And to thee I succumb," promptly...Read the rest...
Categories: endearments, emotions, for her, love,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Sweet Love of Mine
Walking down the quaint city street entering the sweetshop, Oh yes! Hershey’s Almond Milk Chocolate tasty flavor Sweetheart chooses sweet licorice and hot fudge brownie delight, Sweetie pie and I flavor sweetmeat crystallized fruit. Sweet tooth such a...Read the rest...
Categories: endearments, happiness, happy, husband, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Endearments
The whispers in an ear- louder than a shout...Read the rest...
Categories: endearments, love, passion, people
Form: Lanterne

Deceptive Endearments
All I've got now,is a picture of ours Kissing me for last time,taken indoors Reminiscing the love,I once knew the passion and pleasures,which won't renew Holding that picture,I look in your eyes Can't beleive,your words...Read the rest...
Categories: endearments, confusion, lost love, sad,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things