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Empowered Poems - Poems about Empowered

Empowered Poems - Examples of all types of poems about empowered to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for empowered.
Your Path is your Destiny and You are Empowered
Sometimes we meet people who are struggling with their Darkness and Demons. As much as we can have Empathy and Compassion and give Forgiveness, we don't have to accept this behaviour. Your Path is your...Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, anger, conflict, emotions, light,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Crimson Sari
A vibrant hue, a bold design, It drapes her form, a strength divine. No longer veiled in shades of gray, She shines in crimson, come what may. The silken threads, a vibrant dance, Reflect her spirit, her fierce trance. A testament...Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, happiness, pride, symbolism, women,
Form: Rhyme

Winning the risk Makes life better More sweeter brisk....Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, life, perspective, power, strength,
Form: Than-Bauk

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Empowered Leaders
Empowered leaders Look beyond walls and bridges Knit tribes, lives and tongues....Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, leadership, perspective, political, society,
Form: Senryu
Divinely Empowered
In the depths of your being, there lies a spark, A divine flame, lighting up the dark. Empowered from within, you'll surely see, The strength to conquer, to be truly free. God within you, the source of all might, Guiding...Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, abortion, absence, abuse, addiction,
Form: Ballade

Premium Member Holy Spirit Infection
Don’t look for happiness outside yourself, Don’t use your eyes, feel your...Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, allegory, allusion, analogy, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Police Morality
Compassion went missing. They had killed their kindness. Hatred was stirred and awoke narrow mindness.. They had been entrusted with keeping the peace but were totally consumed by their anger like beasts.. Empowered by their badges and uniforms, they tasered and...Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, abuse, anger, angst,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member He Never Got Empowered
I am going to attend a journey of empowerment he told us all. We felt it was a story, for he liked to tell a story loud and tall. He rarely followed through, and his confidence was...Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, life,
Form: Rhyme
Masculine Freedom
The fixedness of certain things exhausts- like my own shadow, this old tree and the sun. I climb out of my dream, Put on my clothes And do not turn back. I still carry the scent of you though- The warming...Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, fantasy, identity, life, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Empowered
When a bully spots a coward He's pumped up, empowered A fearful leader behind 'moral high ground' cowers His defense, roadkill for the bully ~ more land to devour ~ C'mon, Pres....Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, abuse, bullying, fear,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Empowered
The day I stopped running that was power The day I stood up to him that was power The day I stopped crying that was power The day I...Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, abuse, courage, deep, growth,
Form: Free verse
Mirror In Sagittarius
I see you girl , with those epic flaming curls and the breathtaking sight of your eyes. I see you everyday, igniting step by step. so much to live, so much to learn , so much to fail, but...Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, anger, anxiety, character, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Her quietude is like a red rustling satin twirling in the honeyed sheen horizon. While her compassion seems limpid avalanche that can't be writhed by a strong storm. Her heart is as kind as a sheep, as pure as jasmine, and as valiant as an eagle. She...Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, courage, woman,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Blest Destiny Midst Empowered Will
Believing God’s deeds, perfectly precious I’ll follow Him with empowered free will His assigned task, triumphantly, fulfill Since His sovereign works well, indeed gracious. Cognizant of the Lord’s best for my life I trust His wisdom, yielding to His might Illumined...Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, blessing, christian, faith, freedom,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Empowered To Serve
Empowered to serve With humility and grace Elegantly standing completely Adorned in the Father's Armour. No foe can disarm nor conqueror The one empowered to serve For the gates of hell shall not prevail. Empowered to serve Helping the wounded and the Ones who...Read the rest...
Categories: empowered, inspiration,
Form: Pastoral

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