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Effecting Poems - Poems about Effecting

Effecting Poems - Examples of all types of poems about effecting to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for effecting.
Ups and Downs
...A Simultaneous Existence, Exists Within us. Making a difference, Different than you Think. Connecting Emotions and Energy, Silently driving Society. Quietly Implying words you Say, ......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Silently Singing
... In silence I listen, To hear a song, One I carry within, Playing all day long. Felt by all you let in, It's loud and singing, Symphonies of emotion, Silently playing along. Effecting everyt......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, addiction, adventure, creation, depression,
Form: Rhyme

...Her words and actions are conflicting inconsistencies and quirky thoughts going through the motions and playing your part aa man can get tired of the samethang wondering what spell you're in wo......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, business, crazy, culture, language,
Form: Ballad

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Our Legacy As we become older and unsure of the time we have left, We reflect on the memories of the legacy that we’ve expressed. We sometimes question the way we acted when it was unplea......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, blessing, christian, destiny, inspirational,
Form: Rhyme
Convalescence of Richard McGeehan
...Convalescence of Richard McGeehan Spouse of my eldest sister marital bond fixed in place strong as mortise and tenon, he hales of hearty Irish stock genes of said septuagenarian analogous to ......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, absence, america, appreciation, blessing,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Messiahs and Bodhisattvas
...What do top and bottom transcendent and immanent above and below leader and follower high and low Day and night mountain and valley up and down pole and hole Convex and concave vertex a......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, culture, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member SPUMATISTA leonardo
...SPUMATISTA leonardo imperceptibilities   in    gradual transitions from dark          to light effecting relief   in soften          contours blended shared    shadowed manneristic    ......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, art,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Alien Observation
...Wind circulates, lifting and flattening an otherwise, benign, breathless world, relying also on deeper, slowly moving tectonics, belching foully, scattering seas...effecting change. Seasons lik......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, destiny, environment, humanity, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Swimming For Your Life at times feels so hard so much going against you everything around you so dirty looking for a filter to be true Everywhere you look is clogged up like all is blocked just like sin effect......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, fish, life, pollution, water,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member drawn -
... you … came to me today (from anon) wholly untold to your concerns but real enough … I was plodding the beach, tending wounds when you tossed your smile at me from a shrouded sun off white......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, analogy, imagery, lost love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Poetic Sub Mission
...poetics be as from a poe-attic view as if... a periscopic mind be in charge of a... sub mission to observe all round then launch... from one imagination to another image-nation ......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, adventure, allegory, image,
Form: Free verse
I Re: Egret Forsaking Gull Friend Where, Heron Eye Twitter
...I re: egret forsaking gull friend where, heron eye twitter Fictional account related courtesy one pink flamingo. Aves lusting for verboten tweet reed lubricious sin after giving Twiggy anot......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
...The political gain A four year reign Legislation denied The citizen cried A steady race Challenges to face A heated debate An opponent took the bait Issues to change Effecting an age ra......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, political,
Form: Rhyme
Dark Places
...dark places find me as a result of myself dark places bind me i give them all the wealth dark places grind me the unpredictability stirs my stealth dark places remind me modern stressful times......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, dark, life,
Form: Rhyme
Prolonged Offal Bout Courtesy Constipation Turgid Song Redux
...Prolonged offal bout courtesy constipation... turgid song redux, a worse hellish fate than perdition really sucks As of early morning today - September 8th, 2022, I could not but barely move m......Read the rest...
Categories: effecting, abuse, adventure, anxiety, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme

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