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Education Poems | Examples of Education Poetry

Education Poems
Education Poems - Examples of all types of education poetry to share and read. This list of education poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples of education poetry. This list of works about education is an excellent resource for examples on how to write education poems.
What Can I Do?
I'm an African boy, full of dreams and hopes, The place I'm from, I hardly recall it home. My spirit and mind are torn, every way to succeed feels gone, I'm studying...Read the rest...
Categories: education, africa, desire, destiny, dream,
Form: Free verse
The Unbound Mind
No longer bound by ancient lore, She seeks knowledge, evermore. Her mind, a vessel, vast and deep, Where wisdom's seeds, forever sleep. She reads the books, she craves to know, The world's secrets, the stories flow. Her thirst for learning, never...Read the rest...
Categories: books, education, encouraging, endurance,
Form: Rhyme

Awakened Passion for God the Father
Awakened passion The Cross was the perfect transaction We are now reconciled with God the Father God’s Kingdom is very practical The Love of the Father is filled with Destiny The Earth is the platform Loving God, the Father is the...Read the rest...
Categories: education, jesus,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Faculty Mortality
publish or perish no sham tenured tradition… whispers ~ perdition ...Read the rest...
Categories: education, fate, writing,
Form: Senryu
Don't use your hands Feet to crush rocks Use peace talk first....Read the rest...
Categories: education, peace, perspective, war,
Form: Than-Bauk

Let no one pressure or exert tension on you mentally and more. Let no one restraint Or put you on detection It's jail, break free. Let go of others burdens Your demands over theirs But always show empathy. Support but freely Without stressing Don't strain your...Read the rest...
Categories: education, africa, caregiving, children, christian,
Form: Other
Trails Not meant To disrupt your peace But to strengthen Your mentality To be calm and focus Amidst chaos or obstacle. Trails helps Sharpens you Self discovery Self composure Life understanding Endowed you. Know yourself Know your worth Know what you want Do everything you can Even when you...Read the rest...
Categories: creation, deep, education, encouraging,
Form: Bio
Knowledge empowers Ignorance rules Story-line Never underestimate Be the observer Using discernment God made everything Good and bad. A reason and purpose As above so below Day and night Heaven and Earth Creator of creators Eg Jesus and more Different masters Light and darkness. A reason to act or art A price...Read the rest...
Categories: africa, community, deep, education,
Form: Pastoral
The Undisputed Not To Be Disputed....Read the rest...
Categories: education, confidence, courage, creation, dark,
Form: Epic
Premium Member It’s In the Numbers
Two plus two equals four...unless it doesn’t. Every young student learns the rules… as taught them. Higher education muddles it all…with complex theorems....Read the rest...
Categories: education, math, school, science,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Jeremiah chapter thirty five k j v
The Lord is faithfull.! Thesselonians ch 3 v 3-5 Jerimiah in the midst of the rebbelious people, had taken Note of a sobdrly clad 'new group to his awareness' he made Enquiry at the market stalls, and was told...Read the rest...
Categories: appreciation, education, endurance,
Form: Narrative
Don't give it out What you don't want What you're getting You gave time past Your input creates Your output doubled. Galatians 6:7-8 Do not be deceived God cannot be mocked A man reaps what he sows When the clock ticks Times unviel it all. Ecclesiastes 3 Time...Read the rest...
Categories: education, africa, christian, community, dedication,
Form: Pastoral
Premium Member Tupinamba tribe and other Amazon tales
Hans Staten explorer in 1557 was at large!! And into the Amazon he did Barge..He was sion taken as a prize..To be cooked and eaten Later..No lies.) It took all his ingenuity, and our God the...Read the rest...
Categories: education,
Form: Rhyme
How others act Their awareness How you react Your awareness. Be aware What you know You never fail Unless stupid. Know yourself Embody it all Understanding Ignite passion....Read the rest...
Categories: education, africa, christian, community, deep,
Form: Epic
Don't burn Yourself ablaze Trying to prove Your worthiness. Don't kill Yourself for Nothing Trying to prove You're fearless. Be fearless Don't mean Be stupid Be careful Don't mean Be fearful. ...Read the rest...
Categories: africa, community, deep, education,
Form: Epigram

Specific Types of Education Poems

Read wonderful education poetry on the following sub-topics: childhood, girl, haiku, importance of, inspirational, physical, success, system, technology, and more.

Definition | What is Education in Poetry?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things