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Dull Poems - Poems about Dull

Dull Poems - Examples of all types of poems about dull to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for dull.
Premium Member In a city where dreams intertwine with the shadows of dull days
In a city where dreams intertwine with the shadows of dull days, society turns away from those who dare to dream, as if they were committing a crime against the silent laws of time, because their dream is...Read the rest...
Categories: dull, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member a blemished sky
a blemished sky smears greys to blurs winter lingering AP: 1st place 2025 Submitted on February 23, 2025 to contest 'A FEBRUARY 2025 POSTED' sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - 10th place Posted on Februarry 20, 2025...Read the rest...
Categories: dull, sky, winter,
Form: Haiku

Dull Reflections
sacrificed on the name of joke became laughing stock of the group my friends reflection in the mirror appears rather dull than bright rust entered in the open wounds scars that cover my whole body friend is a word to...Read the rest...
Categories: dull, betrayal, friend, friendship,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Dull Water
( A Definition ) Having a small European resembling a brown back. Having hammy old-world songs related to a large ‘NO!’ Having no American thrust; (the upper part). An olivatious, blackish, whitish, streaked glommed throat. Chiefly dull; (the under parts)....Read the rest...
Categories: dull, humor,
Form: Free verse
It's Christmas season, the merriment season The smell of a fresh season, blooming with love Christ the reason for the season, a song we always sing Singing joyously, with tune so high, rhymes so in tune Fortune favor only...Read the rest...
Categories: dull, butterfly, celebration, christmas, dance,
Form: Epic

Sun to my Sunflower
Billions of stars, But I choose the Sun. Ignoring all the noises And all the pollution. I'll live with him, As long as, he's mine. Even if he's not, I'll stay with him, As long as, he's alive. (On his eyelashes, on the cut...Read the rest...
Categories: dull, blessing, boyfriend, emotions, girlfriend,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Dull Nights Spent With Silence
Everything may appear in perfect order as this vast universe is, and behind it I can't hear anything muffling sounds, but spot faint shimmers of hidden worders! Such are the dull nights spent with silence, having nobody to whisper sensual...Read the rest...
Categories: dull, emotions, longing, lost love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The dull mean I sit in
Considering the finale Piloting my survival. Anxious thoughts prevent deadly decisions But these decisions have made themselves well-situated. Still, prayers haven’t been answered So I search and seek Until I become conscious of where I am. Idleness is my safest abode I...Read the rest...
Categories: dull, anxiety, depression, imagination, lonely,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member God's Not Dull
If we want a friend with whom we'll never grow bored The best one to recommend is Jesus our Lord Although some experiences may hit a lull The more we get to know Him the less He seems dull The closer we get the...Read the rest...
Categories: dull, beauty, bible, history, imagination,
Form: Quatrain
In my 2023 Stage Curtain
some bright sequins of fun shined amidst dull threads of routines... art time none...Read the rest...
Categories: dull, life,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Dull
Dull as a board meeting until he growled “Who ripped out the fart?” and then the room exploded in zany laughs...Read the rest...
Categories: dull, body, celebration, feelings, giggle,
Form: Ninette
Dull Day
Today I woke up colorblind My wake up call was gray I shuddered at my purgatory It shuddered the same way I got up, found my state of ruin We chatted over tea It dug into my heavy heart, My soul...Read the rest...
Categories: dull, depression, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme
Hidden Under the Mask
Misunderstood and used, Insane, but always amused. Secretive, worried, helpful, Past is cloudy and dull. Antisocial, big personal bubble, Always running away from the troubles. Runs head and helmet into everything, All of her desires, closed, unappealing. Too trusting, kept in the dark,...Read the rest...
Categories: dull, anxiety, betrayal, bullying, death,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Give Not Away To Dull Despair
Written on 30 July 2023 TrIiolet Form of Poetry ...Read the rest...
Categories: dull, humanity, inspiration, inspirational,
Form: Triolet
Premium Member The Dull Day
I'd like to go out But the rain pours down The galleries Are closed on Mondays I checked the library See what they have on AA or learning English Neither needed My fridge and wardrobes Are already full Exercise is A bridge too far The cinema...Read the rest...
Categories: dull, art,
Form: Free verse

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