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Dribbling Poems - Poems about Dribbling

Dribbling Poems - Examples of all types of poems about dribbling to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for dribbling.
Premium Member Hoya Paranoia
... Trump Derangement Syndrome and Hoya Paranoia* Both reside in Washington D.C. both designed to annoy ya _______________________________ *The Georgetown University ......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, basketball, political, school,
Form: Rhyme
Football is a poet
...FOOTBALL IS A POET (Inspired by barrister lanre badmus) Football is indeed a poet Fans actually stake bet. For their favorite team, Hopefully achieving their dreams. It is a package of pas......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, football,
Form: Rhyme

After a Heavy Rainfall
...Banks did not burst, just a dribbling bladder of river leaked into our back yards. It drooled over damp roots, seeped into groundhog holes, into ditches, where winter debris had already washe......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Rain when it comes
...The rain - when it comes; It brings out the poet in me! Bathing peaches and garden plums, Tapping the leaves in the backyard tree! The Mizzle and mist, the drizzle and fog Sodden the silent, l......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, love, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Humpty Dumpty
... Humpty Dumpty was in fact a selfish king. A narcissist with a harem of women, many who were under the age of sixteen. He was quite large and disfigured, due to his royal ancestors marrying siblings......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, dark,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member My Valentine
...A pair of doves preen and prim, for the Night is almost done. And perched on their favored limb; they await the rising sun. As Sol rises from below, darkness slowly fades away. And as......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, beautiful, celebration, emotions, image,
Form: Quatrain
A brushstroke choreographing dramatic elegy framing harmonic gavotte
...A brushstroke choreographing dramatic elegy framing harmonic gavotte specified such so as to issue a rhyme, but proceeded as this scribe didst git linkedin with the cutting crew, mow or less......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, 12th grade, beautiful, celebration,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member snowy
...It’s going to snow tonight. It seems the brick shoulders of Elm Street will ooze, like watery eggnog, with a light snow tonight and we’re twitching with delight. The vibes of it are too much and s......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, humor, snow, weather,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member OLDE SJI BRAS BASAH ROAD, 1971
... Journey Journal Page OLDE SJI BRAS BASAH ROAD, 1971 By Leon Enriquez Morning Glory Florals on a fence Violet blooms beauty Plain in sparkling sense Olde school field By Bras Basah......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, school,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member My Jollies
... Think my jollies are starting to return Told you they wouldn't stay away long Not those kind of jollies, naughty people Thought you might get me wrong You people, you really should be......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, joy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Apple Picking
... Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples in a seed. - Robert H. Schuller Luscious crimson, amber, falling Trembling on branches, perfect y......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, autumn, seasons,
Form: Pantoum
White and Crimson Scribbles
...My crimson scribbles; there is no meaning, there is no feeling, and there will be no healing, not today at least… Horizontal, never vertical for some reason. I cannot explain, though reasoning is ......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, depression, feelings, mental health,
Form: Free verse
Mr Policeman
...Papa’s not here For we had hunger to fear- He took his backpack And never came back. Mama’s gone too- Drunk she got -nothing I could do The money she forgot. School mister? Then what about......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, abuse, africa, age, betrayal,
Form: Rhyme
The Balls: A Parody of Poe's the Bells
...I Hear the bouncing of the balls-- Basketballs! What a sound of merriment they cause when each ball falls! How they echo, echo, echo, Inside the gymnasium walls, Arriving at a crescendo......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, 11th grade, basketball, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Walking Through the Dappled Forest
...Walking through the dappled forest, my mind reveled in its magnificence The first thing I noticed was the shadowed silence; it was self-empowering. More relaxing than a power nap. A large shadow fl......Read the rest...
Categories: dribbling, nature, tree,
Form: Imagism

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