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Dresden Poems - Poems about Dresden

Dresden Poems - Examples of all types of poems about dresden to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for dresden.

Premium Member Hello to Dresden'
Its harrowing to think on the heavy bombing.' A non Military town, with art aplenty.' Many refugees there It seems and around; not economic had come, in terrified Streams.' The war almost over.' German military gone' And soon...Read the rest...
Categories: dresden, conflict, education,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Conversation With Harry Dresden
Mr. Dresden, my name is Joshua Aaronson. How can I help you Mr. Aaronson? How did you find me? My wife Chloe goes to your brother's hair salon. Your brother Thomas said that you're a...Read the rest...
Categories: dresden, chicago, child, daughter, fantasy,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member The Death of Three Sisters
The death of three sisters Three sisters sadly fell. At different times they died, though in them countless millions stood and worshipped side by side. Though none of good will wished them ill yet evil still...Read the rest...
Categories: dresden, city, death, evil, extended
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Dresden As the war was winding down it was decided to bomb Dresden It had no industry and had no military target. the bombing was vengeance Ten thousand people were killed that night mostly burnt to death as the attack...Read the rest...
Categories: dresden, bangla, beach, betrayal, flying,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member The Bombing of Dresden
THE BOMBING OF DRESDEN-- MONSIEUR L'VAMPYRE - There was a night, I still recall it now, as winters cold had turned to soft and mild, and gave us hope, that time would still allow the...Read the rest...
Categories: dresden, hate, history, world war
Form: Sonnet

Dresden Survivor
"To my left, I suddenly see a woman. I can see her to this day, and shall never forget it. She carries a bundle in her arms. It is a baby. She runs, she falls, and the child flies...Read the rest...
Categories: dresden, angst, feelings, murder, war,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Monsieur L'Vampyre the Bombing of Dresden
MONSIEUR L'VAMPYRE - THE BOMBING OF DRESDEN There was a night, I still recall it now, as winters cold had turned to soft and mild, and gave us hope, that time would still allow the passing by--of death--as death...Read the rest...
Categories: dresden, death, hate, valentines day,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member The Bombing of Dresden - Monsieur L'Vampyre
MONSIEUR L'VAMPYRE - THE BOMBING OF DRESDEN There was a night, I still recall it now, as winters cold had turned to soft and mild, and gave us hope, that time would still allow the passing by--of death--as death...Read the rest...
Categories: dresden, betrayal, bullying, hate, war,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Valentines Wishes On Dresden
Valentines Wishes On Dresden Awakened before sleep had settled in she peered out to the night of Dresden's way and though her hero had no war to win she blew a kiss to him, as if to say "mein Fuhrer,...Read the rest...
Categories: dresden, anger, angst, betrayal, death,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Dresden Germany Feb 13 1945
DRESDEN, GERMANY February 13, 1945 Pathfinders lit the night to show the way for bombardiers too hungry for the word; as Dresden's dark was made as light as day, all hearts were stopped before the blasts were heard; and as...Read the rest...
Categories: dresden, art, black african american,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member The Bombing of Dresden
THE BOMBING OF DRESDEN February 13, 1945 Pathfinders lit the night to show the way for bombardiers too hungry for the word; as Dresden's dark was...Read the rest...
Categories: dresden, angst, black african american,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Dresden Germany Valentines Day 1945
Christmas Tree Over Dresden Feb 14,1945 Dresden Germany In their un-loving light, to stop a heart, descending in the...Read the rest...
Categories: dresden, warchristmas, christmas,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry