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Dr Poems - Poems about Dr

Dr Poems - Examples of all types of poems about dr to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for dr.
Premium Member Dr Max MM Payne - Specializing in MILs
pliers… scalpel… knife… drat… I feel the pulse of life… if not for...Read the rest...
Categories: dr, health, humor, mother daughter,
Form: Senryu
Dr King
The question so many have asked What are we doing for others ?? Are we making a change Are we letting? What was work so hard to go in vain? We used to have morals We...Read the rest...
Categories: dr, america,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Look, there are two of us in here One goes with mode of care and share The other, a living nightmare Our ego is immersed in fear It steers us toward needles strife Yet it is useful for earth...Read the rest...
Categories: dr, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Chasing Dr Death
Dr. Death, sure that be your name? Looking for you day and night Ducking and dodging was the old game Some may say my mind not right Seeking to face you in different ways Many opportunities to see if you...Read the rest...
Categories: dr, dark, death, humor, imagination,
Form: Rhyme
Dr Pepper, my love
I want Dr. Pepper a bottle won’t do not a sprite or mountain dew just Dr. Pepper my love Dr. Pepper simply comes above whatever shall I do without my Dr. Pepper the most beautiful of all drinks not having Dr. Pepper stinks my...Read the rest...
Categories: 9th grade, appreciation, drink,
Form: Free verse

Dr please listen
Dr please listen Dr. please listen, I'm laid up in this bed and I'm wishin', Hopin' for a doc to come with the vision, To gimme pain meds, the ones I've been missin'. But into the wind, man, I been pissin', Layin' here...Read the rest...
Categories: anger, angst, conflict, drug,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dorothy Toto The Gang and Dr Phil
Dorothy and her lovely small dog Toto. Were all taken up in a fierce tornado. Ran into three helpless bobos. A Tin man, Lion, and Scarecrow. No Wizard needed, just the Dr Phil show. The three went to see Dr....Read the rest...
Categories: dr, humor,
Form: Limerick
Dr Jekyll And Mrs Hyde
She had a busy life, with no time for fun Being a scientist, always on the run Well respected, well mannered exterior Belief in duality human nature superior Believing we all have a good and...Read the rest...
Categories: dr, creation, evil, science fiction,
Form: Rhyme
Ode to a Father’s Eternal Light
Oh father, my guiding light, Your presence, now but a memory bright. In the quiet whispers of the wind, I hear your voice lingering within. Your laughter filled the air with joy, Your wisdom, a beacon to my soul. But now...Read the rest...
Categories: dr, absence, allah, angel, appreciation,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member dr beach
waves crash against shore sun glistens on sand granules daily dose of beach...Read the rest...
Categories: dr, beach,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The Clinic of Dr Gross - Thomas Eakins
those daring explorations of inner flesh the "I know best" of paring innovators confident to indoctrinate their own ideas the subject, the experiment, alive, obscured body part: "thigh" on the stage a prop for the theatrics of greater...Read the rest...
Categories: dr, art, science,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member Dynamic Dr in Derry's dirty dock'
Doctor Mcklosky for speaking of truth, mic muted by a judge? Who sides with un-sooth? Not a doctor to refute her.?? I Must take it in ( yet a minion of saturn ) in robes black as...Read the rest...
Categories: dr, character, courage, education, encouraging,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pre op Dr Appt
Anxiety Blood pressure soaring What are they going to say? Are they going to poke and prick me again? There's no where to hide in this room! ...Read the rest...
Categories: dr, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dr Eben Alexander
With his neocortex severed God within was yet revered Check out Dr. Eben Alexander’s story Revealing clear truth in full glory Explore the truth with an open mind Leaving imagined knowing behind...Read the rest...
Categories: dr, death, deep, introspection, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Poetry Soup
'Twas not long ago, I did retire - Time for me to regroup. And like a buzzing fly, I fell into A bowl of Poetry Soup! My IT job did not prepare me. Artistically, I'm a dupe. My reading list has...Read the rest...
Categories: dr, humor, poetry,
Form: Rhyme

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