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Douse Poems - Poems about Douse

To see unseen, douse candle
What hurts, well can things handle, When ground, gets fragrant, sandal, Pain suffered, goes not in vain, To see unseen, douse candle. ____________________________________ Epigram |11.08.2023| light, dark ...Read the rest...
Categories: douse, light, truth,
Form: Epigram
You Can a Spitting Fire Douse
When you a petty thief house, Expect a dramatic disappearance of your blouse And one other filmic vanishing and sure goodbye With his waiting, believable alibi. When you all . webs browse, Not against this holding a...Read the rest...
Categories: douse, character, corruption, evil,
Form: Rhyme

You Can a Spitting Fire Douse
When you a petty thief house, Expect a dramatic disappearance of your blouse And one other filmic vanishing and sure goodbye With his waiting, believable alibi. When you all . webs browse, Not against this holding a...Read the rest...
Categories: douse, character, corruption, evil,
Form: Rhyme
You Can a Spitting Fire Douse
When you a petty thief house, Expect a dramatic disappearance of your blouse And one other filmic vanishing and sure goodbye With his waiting, believable alibi. When you all . webs browse, Not against this holding a...Read the rest...
Categories: douse, character, corruption, evil,
Form: Rhyme
Douse That Prophetic Fire By Nightfall, Sir, Or the Neighbours Will Complain
To be. To feel. To feel, to love, To love. To rage, To rage, to die Like a good Romantic, or to sleep like this, Ghosting about Like a loose plastic bag That flaps on a windy night Under a sodium street lamp’s Eerie...Read the rest...
Categories: douse, betrayal, society,
Form: Free verse

Douse Emotional Flames
to douse the emotional flames became the aim over time the flames at first were not as high as they would become in the end the flames became much more violent as time went on in the...Read the rest...
Categories: douse, conflict,
Form: Lyric
What Is the Douse of Men
What is the douse of men? That drives clutched Formidable and incredible From skull bird To the modern stone shack’s lament. The knot of history unravels; Breathed through eyes, Sighted through skin Unknown anaemic love. Coated in the waft of death And touched by the...Read the rest...
Categories: douse, humanity, introspection, life,
Form: Prose Poetry
Chariot Waits the Flame To Douse
with the tilt of the head, and a heart so heavy... he sits on the floor of his home, thinking every moment about his capital levy... for there are days, with nothing to pass the time, the god himself is staying...Read the rest...
Categories: douse, children, funeral, god, poverty,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry