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Doormen Poems - Poems about Doormen

Doormen Poems - Examples of all types of poems about doormen to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for doormen.

A Bicycle Bell
...A bicycle bell very clearly does say, Melodiously, “Please get out of my way!” It isn’t as jarring as honking we’d hear From taxis or cars warning us to steer clear. It doesn’t disturb like a g......Read the rest...
Categories: doormen, sound,
Form: Rhyme
Tipping Time
...The time of year to tip is here – The doormen and the super, The newspaper deliverers; Unless you’re in a stupor… You give some dough so they will know That they’re appreciated For cash is a......Read the rest...
Categories: doormen, holiday, money,
Form: Rhyme

The Fedex Truck
...The FedEx truck is parked outside, The boxes being piled, Awaiting transfer home to The apartment-domiciled. Each package hits the lobby first Where doormen do the sorting, Relying on the num......Read the rest...
Categories: doormen, city,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

A Pang of Mercy
...The curse, the lethargy, conceived out of wedlock Dawn and Day, the mother-in-law of the race of the Ogres, the tub filled with toads, vipers and snakes, the cohabitant who always stays out - ......Read the rest...
Categories: doormen, love,
Form: Free verse
Slipping On Appeal
... ( as an after dinner wonder mint ) It's a park but there's no grass because everyone's slipping on appeal. Everyone has cameras except the girl. They're taking her picture. Now......Read the rest...
Categories: doormen, i love you,
Form: Didactic

...Driving in the city, I'm used to many things - Crazy cabbies, honking horns, Pigeons spreading wings. In attentive texters, Speedy messengers on bikes, Nannies pushing strollers filled With......Read the rest...
Categories: doormen, nature, travel, , western,
Form: Rhyme
Baltimore Tales
...Baltimore Tales lazy fat cat meowing, begging for a meal, mother baking cookies, grates an orange peel. husband’s belly flopping, cold beer in his hand, watching Jimmy Kimmel, singing with......Read the rest...
Categories: doormen, crazy, mom, , cute,
Form: Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things