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Doorkeeper Poems - Poems about Doorkeeper

Doorkeeper Poems - Examples of all types of poems about doorkeeper to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for doorkeeper.

Premium Member Things Missing
...Life is much to do about time, space, and place. Our lives are developed in these three arenas. It is where our lives are continually altered. It is also where things go missing. What is it l......Read the rest...
Categories: doorkeeper, christian,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Soul Inside the Shadows Talk
...Storm-When Calm Where Came--Who? On- What-Palm-Why!? Yarn How. O beauty is as beauty does how amiable are thy tabernacle O,Lord of host my soul longeth yea even fainteth for the courts of the Lord ......Read the rest...
Categories: doorkeeper, appreciation, care, childhood, devotion,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Dropping Identity
...Gentling attention, soul softens silence Infusing within it, love’s sublime rhythm Balm of bliss heals ego spawned violence We’re peaceful and complete in body prism No doing need be done, save......Read the rest...
Categories: doorkeeper, peace, silence, spiritual,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Museum Watcher
...From hall to hall there is always one doorkeeper. uniformed men sitting down on a stool. alike a living statue at the same post. This little man is one of them Surrounded by greatness is not p......Read the rest...
Categories: doorkeeper, people, urban,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Would Rather Be a Doorkeeper In the House of My God
...I.. I I... I would rather be a doorkeeper In the house of my God I would rather be a doorkeeper In the house of my God Than to pull the tail of an of a rapid diseased dog; Be a doorkeeper, Gr......Read the rest...
Categories: doorkeeper, adventure, analogy, anxiety, community,
Form: Lyric

Haiku 9 - Iguana On the Treetops, Mister Spider, 6 Am and Falling Rain
...perched on the treetops iguana closes its eyes soaking in the sunshine the new doorkeeper of this deserted house - one mister spider 6 am and falling rain bed! how cosy you feel this morni......Read the rest...
Categories: doorkeeper, house, insect, morning, nature,
Form: Haiku
In the House of My Dear Father
...********************************************************************** How lovely is Your tabernacle, O Lord of host! My soul longs, yes, even faints for The courts of the Lord; my heart and my......Read the rest...
Categories: doorkeeper, hope, life, love, god,
Form: I do not know?
Raatri - Night
...At the confluence stands the sage Directing traffic of divine centuries, Gluons, microns, universes and the laughter bird The laughter bird is afloat, his wings Drip cold and soothing fractals ......Read the rest...
Categories: doorkeeper, visionaryflying, universe,
Form: Free verse
The Doorkeeper
...Out of opening doors pours the past into a hallway and You come to sweep away times' trial. You who gave me another life to love before you took your own. Now here You stand, a Being in the ha......Read the rest...
Categories: doorkeeper, losslife,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things