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Doctoral Poems - Poems about Doctoral

Doctoral Poems - Examples of all types of poems about doctoral to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for doctoral.
Premium Member for someone
...It’s hard to meet someone serious at college. Everyone’s busy, self-centeredly grinding away at their dreams. So much so that people tell you to not even try (especially as a freshman). I was mo......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, anniversary, boyfriend, celebration, humor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Propitiation
...I had lunch with Randy, between classes today. It was a perfect day. The sky was an infinite, capri blue, the wind was stirring the environment, clouds were wispy and on high - in the fast lane where......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, friendship, humor, school, student,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member the 3rd floor
...This was last Saturday night. We were at a rooftop party in downtown New Haven thrown by ‘DocHouse.’ Doc-House is kind of a frat-house, owned by Dr. Melon, where he and seven doctoral students live. ......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, humor, school, social, student,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Athens
...We’re (Lisa and I) back in Athens Georgia (hometown USA), where it’s the halcyon days of summer. The south used to be the home of summer heat - not anymore. Now everyone has their little ‘heat domes’......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, humor, mom, school, student,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Too Many Gods
...Too many think that they are God Too many think that they know God Too many think that they see God Too many talk like they know God Too many sins Too many Satans Too many prosecutors Too many......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, allah, allusion, angel, god,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member My Watch
...It’s Sunday morning, my watch shows that it’s 33° and 5:58 am. Surprisingly, half of us are up and motile. My excuse is that I’m scheduled to volunteer at the hospital this morning. Leong just came......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, boyfriend, music, relationship, school,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Panic At the Station
...Sophomore year’s clocked-up my free time. Last summer I made some core promises (to my mom) to go harder on the pre-med track. Perfect grades are ok, I’m told, but they’re underdog, alone. So, this y......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, boyfriend, school, student, teen,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sage Brown
...Peter is joining us for lunch in the cafeteria. I met him on a crowded Saturday morning at a coffee shop. He’s from the flammable, paper-dry, sagebrush hills of Malibu and grew up overlooking the haz......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, boy, friendship, fun, school,
Form: Free verse
Lance Defeats the Matriarchy, Part I
...The endless fight seemed to come to an end, the toxic nature beaten out of men by lessons taught, and pressure from above, the masculine had surrendered to love. The action movie, no more to be......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, conflict, corruption, culture, men,
Form: Epic
Premium Member If Ever I Had a Country: Lxxiv
...IF EVER I HAD A COUNTRY : LXXIV IF ever I had a country proud of its sacred Soul Patrie And if ever by a long shot I was nominated - not spuriously elected - Chef Ministre d'Etat Ple......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, education, graduation, prison, religion,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Raconteur Prevaricator De Jure
...This chap iz a life long student – groan fizzy (from being protean entity at least sustained along minimally cerebral Mohorovicic continuity mortality reincarnating one carbon pecul......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, 9th grade, education, encouraging,
Form: Free verse
Reverse Orbitz
...Mach my words, that time travel aye foresee (rather than being at a stand still, nee frozen analogous to cry oh ja hen nicks, or more particularly going backwards) thi......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, 11th grade, family, farewell,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Malkavian 4
...I present unto you Unsub one and unsub two Each looks as I do They think like me too Unsub one will have some fun Killing everyone that survived Unsub two will handle the cops and news As so......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, adventure,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Senior Center's Budgeting Party
...We started slow and old-growth yet steady. The Senior Democrats and Republicans and Libertarians and Independents hosted a Community Integrity budgeting party. Party favors were ballots w......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, age, community, earth, education,
Form: Political Verse
Degree By Desire In Africa
...African continent in my dream Must be the most learned continent Millions possess strong degrees Obtained from various universities Bachelor of Arts in creative miseries Bachelor of Science in......Read the rest...
Categories: doctoral, africa, education, satire,
Form: Elegiac Lyric

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry