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Disobeyed Poems - Poems about Disobeyed

Disobeyed Poems - Examples of all types of poems about disobeyed to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for disobeyed.
Dry Oasis
...A flood, my loyal eyes disobeyed me Tears like fractured glass betrayed me, Stabbed my face, into a dry oasis, My body, overthrown by the love of you, Yet my soul, still untouched by your rain…......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, betrayal, body, crush, cry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Price Control
...In AD 301, a Roman Emperor made a decree He fixed the price of food and clothes If you sold for higher, there was a death penalty If you hoarded those goods, your blood would flow. Since no one......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, america, crazy, culture, fire,
Form: Lyric

Leaking words of wisdom
...If you are lucky and live long enough, Have learnt some lessons that are tough, And spent time in the rough, Along with your accumulated useless information, You will start leaking words of wisdo......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, absence, age, analogy, anger,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Daddy's Name
...Even at this advanced, unsettled age daddy's name still evokes horrible pain, he wasn't faithful to mom and her rage never exploded to make us break down: such an incredible courage was a saint's......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, character, courage, dad, inspiration,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Faith of Jesus
... When Satan uttered through the snake Eve’s faith in God he sought to shake. His questions circled in a route that he sure hoped would create doubt. His wooing words worked like a charm they ......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, christian, jesus, motivation, religion,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I miss
...I miss Judith, for devil that she was, she would give me a stare each time I pass, built like a fort on two pillars of stone, she would glare like I had sins to atone! she recycled curtains to ......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, anger, anti bullying, blessing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Incarnation
...How elegant was the world you had made, God, my Father The sun, the moon, and the stars, as fully alive, functioned. Herbs, shrubs, plants, trees, flies, birds, beasts, and humans had their honor ......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, jesus,
Form: Sonnet
Temporal incarnation of Aphrodite
...Temporal incarnation of Aphrodite... induces idyllic reverie delight evoking similar surge, when skirting, and eluding fidelity defining the marital law on par with courting in flagrante deli......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, absence, adventure, angel, april,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Short Memory
...Her memory is short She will forget the frightful anger that made her Growl and snort Her mood won't last She'll forget I disobeyed her Quite fast The moon Will persuade her Soon Her m......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, anger, anxiety, marriage, moon,
Form: Rhyme
The Dyslexic Shepherd Boy
... Long ago when fairy tales and fables Defined that period in time There's a story seldom told Of a Dyslexic Shepherd boy Who guarded the town's flock From a wolf with hungry eye......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, funny,
Form: Rhyme
The Psalm 83 War has already just begun part three
...The ancient background of both Edom and the Ismaelites were presented in part two. Moab will be covered in part three. Where did Moab come from? The Moabities are race that was conceived by ince......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose
Premium Member A Sacred Trust
...A Sacred Trust An old cleric sits in his rocking chair He is on the porch of a lakeside cabin He is remembering with tears in his eyes A boy many years ago making his confession * After pushing......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, 12th grade, child abuse,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Exhibits of God's Grace
...When the first pair, disobeyed God they fell victim to a fat fraud. God came searching but the pair fled, Convinced that He would strike them dead. But oh, what a pleasant surprise, God did no......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, encouraging, god, lost, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Verbal Fight
... Wife - "Once I kept you locked in my heart But now I release you like a fart So that I can have a fresh start" Husband – "Once I disobeyed God So, He put on my back a heavy load ......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, anger, poetry, word play,
Form: Rhyme
Monster Under My Bed - Collab With Darrell Rose
... I’m alone and scared lying in my bed with a cold wet sweat running down my head In heart pounding fear I will soon be fed To a big hairy creature of my dread A green ugly monster with......Read the rest...
Categories: disobeyed, children, fantasy, fear, mom,
Form: Rhyme

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