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Dingly Poems - Poems about Dingly

Tv Cowboy
...He rode his horse side saddle Across the rolling plains Scarlet polished finger nails Gripping diamantéd reins A little cocktail hat Resting on his head Dingly dangly earrings Sparkling ruby ......Read the rest...
Categories: dingly, celebration, gender,
Form: Rhyme
Dingleo and Ginglyet
...DINGLEO AND GINGLYET When the Dingly Doo Met the Gingly Goo, On the subway late one night. They fell for one another, A case of love at first sight. But the Dingly Doos an......Read the rest...
Categories: dingly, death, love,
Form: Rhyme

Fliepperty Flopperty World
...It's a flipperty, flopperty world with wibbly, wobbly trees, and dibberty, dabberty fields, and a zipperty, zapperty breeze. It's a flipperty, flopperty world with a dingly, dangly sun, and s......Read the rest...
Categories: dingly, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things