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Diep Poems - Poems about Diep

Diep Poems - Examples of all types of poems about diep to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for diep.

My Mothers Face
...Her love is more than a small child’s first word My mother’s heart and love, one in a chord She lived all my childhood dreams in adore With wisdom and love allowed them to soar When breakers......Read the rest...
Categories: diep, mom,
Form: Sonnet
...GEWETE. Hoe jy nie in die lug bly hang nie jou koue greep , harde hale en tussen die droe takke le jy vir my en glimlag en daar skiet die hemel oop oplaas `n warm wind wat streel streel j......Read the rest...
Categories: diep, meaningful, mystery,
Form: ABC

Jy By Die See
...Jy by die see In my drome sien ek ‘n duidelike beeld Van jou en hoe jy wandel langs die see en die aandwind huil alweer verveeld net voor die eerste ster sy glimlag gee Donker kaalvoet spor......Read the rest...
Categories: diep, desire, dream,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...Rooskleurige prinses van die velde Wingerde gedroom al en deur gestap ’n Hart wat so hunker na wandelinge hand aan hand Smagtend na dit wat voor lê Soetsappige vreugde deur dring tot diep siele ......Read the rest...
Categories: diep, africa, beauty, best friend,
Form: Chant Royal
N Trotse Afrikaner Boer
...N TROTSE AFRIKANER BOER Ek staan vanaand en kyk na my land Suid Afrika. Waar is ons land dan? Waar gaan ons le vanaand? Ek sien weer die voortreker wa. Ek sien weer my oupa se oupa wa......Read the rest...
Categories: diep, africa
Form: ABC

...deur Theresa Rossouw Liefde is n roos wat bloedrooi blom, bloos. N wolk vol water dig wat groei, en blink. 'n Reënboog,vol kleur wat alle bande van negatief en donker skeur. Liefde, n rivier vol ......Read the rest...
Categories: diep, love,
Form: Rhyme
The Verdant Lore (Cleave Poem)
...On the page - of this lore painted verdant by - the rod of God a word traveler - unveils A song, - its charm perhaps......Read the rest...
Categories: diep, life, on writing and
Form: Lyric
This Is My Shadow (Cleave Poem)
...This Is My Shadow ......Read the rest...
Categories: diep, on writing and words
Form: Lyric

Book: Reflection on the Important Things