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Detaining Poems - Poems about Detaining

Detaining Poems - Examples of all types of poems about detaining to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for detaining.
Blue Jade
...Shivering shimmers of scars passed out of my scarlet, scarred past. My ginger demons engulfed the fermented pain as I watched my regal orchid—the fussiest, sacred damsel who jitterbugs as an exiled s......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, addiction, appreciation, art, blue,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Growing awareness
...Richard was quiet this morning..He sat listening to the Part of the world around him, there was thd odd bird Call the muted ticking of the clock in the hall, he looked A the dark t v screen, that ......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, assonance,
Form: Narrative

Palestine will be Free!!!
...POEM: Welcome to Palestine. The land of the prophets and the martyrs. Let’s show show some respect, and bow down in humility… Gaza may be small, but their angels are all over and as far......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, allah, christian, freedom, islamic,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Orphan 'Round
...*Image of Lyre Box Organ Grinder by Pixabay Orphan 'Round A chimp's bereft tambourine in its paws jigged 'round a bunch of detaining gazes, donning smiling countenances or jaws t......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, animal, character, cheer up,
Form: Sonnet
Satan Is Really a Sociaist
..."Satan is a Socialist," by Dr Jennifer Clark on Tuesday's Sid Roth program. February 23, 2021.*** Satan, was a liar before the beginning of recorded time. The Devil caused one- third of the an......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

...Guys eyeing a staggering ransom And willing to unleash the gruesome The senders to follow their uncomfortable instructions Or get ready for the unpleasant ructions. In a matter of minutes gaggi......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, poems, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
...The passion to know and happy nature to explore, and the wealth of information to wonder no more. When excess of new info spreading dodgy facts, adding confusion to amplify the mass hysterical act......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, abuse, conflict, confusion,
Form: Ballade
...Brooding atop a cracked stone cross, the raven roosts in solitude... Ivory remnants of former souls drift restlessly beneath unkempt black soil, But the bird is their remorseful conqueror, And t......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, 10th grade, dark, destiny,
Form: Free verse
D - Dig
...Dragged through the dirt; your defender You once deemed me a dependent, now demeaned and discarded despite I delivered Disposed of; drowning in your ditch detaining the debris of much deeper dilemm......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, conflict, depression, emotions, feelings,
Form: ABC
Premium Member The Shape of Jazz To Come
...Is war coming? Are we headed for another crazy cataclysm? My sons, draft age. Only now can I appreciate the pain so sharp it drains the color from one's eyes, your reason for living gone in a spas......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, crazy, fear, history, pain,
Form: Verse
...~ANGELS~ Within the abusive abyssal air, I greet you with a prayer Within weathered winded wear, I defend in your despair Thru calamitous city crumble I find you in your stumble T......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, angel, beauty,
Form: Rhyme
It's a New Day
...It’s a new day The sun raises over you, fresh air is free no need to form a queue Birds are signing sometimes you feel it’s just for you Chest out, head up high No need for a gloom like sigh ......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, inspirational, sun,
Form: I do not know?
...Something moaning in them hills tonight something calm with quiet tears something caught winging a web of plight something trapped in tired years something longing for an irreversible flight somethin......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, nostalgia, heart, longing, heart,
Form: Rhyme
Smear Us Free
...Love takes its toll on every faltering form Minds are all a blur, a never-ending storm They all in time take pleasure in other wretches’ pain Relieving their blistery hearts, subsiding the......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, art, confusion, depression, devotion,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Plea
...I make this plea in all sincerity to the younger generation presently. Under no circumstances ever join the military and they who are serving currently should lay down their arms and go Absent WithOu......Read the rest...
Categories: detaining, political,
Form: Rhyme

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