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Deriving Poems - Poems about Deriving

Deriving Poems - Examples of all types of poems about deriving to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for deriving.
Premium Member Keep Away
... For some there always has to be an issue A drama of some sort Always looking for or creating a problem To inject their voice and thoughts Seeming to thrive on conflict Inserting th......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, angst, character, conflict,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Zen mode the membrane of space thins and thickens we notice it so gently breathing with all forms within its womb acknowledging thus what is as is we are here both this and that or more accurate......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, space, spiritual,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Memories
... Many have gone Family, friends, sacred and godly Leaving moments as mates ......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, memory,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Breaking News
...I looked and beheld a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer—Revelation 6:2 BREAKING NEWS At this moment... Presi......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, farewell, political, thank you,
Form: Political Verse
... As emotion's embolism petitions a mirror sea for endless blue transparency- through oculat lens flare, an albionic estuary garden variety of pleasures appears, obligatiry- in f......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, art,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Road Crash of Words
...Upon the doorstep of my paradise, You’ll find h e l l i s h pansies and t a i n t e d tulips, obscured within a heart-shaped topiary…. As the sky is a deep purple b r u i s e, ......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, angst, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member There is no one here
...The seeker who seeks does not exist but to begin with, this truth is not known, so being accustomed to needless striving, the earth entity begins its God search quest, searching high and ......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, spiritual,
Form: Sestina
Premium Member A Day of Introspection
...Written: September 23, 2023 ___________________________________________________________ In the denizens of the grey-haired. Suppleness lingers, yet love is not shared Around a suita......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, age, analogy, angst, care,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member An Alluring Flower
...How fortunate do I feel, when I think of my mother, deriving my name from the classic story by Kalidasa, the greatest Bard in Sanskrit - The story about the Princess of Malawa, who happened to b......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, daughter, dream, flower,
Form: Free verse
...bloodshot deriving out of wide eyes conformed to the ceiling ruby red polish accompany the nail spritz of fragrance leaving behind an illusion of professionalism receiving roses to give glad han......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member To Our Farthest Memory: Dhruvasmriti
...“ We are What we eat“ We’ve heard this before ~§~ Our body is made of All t......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, faith, mythology,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member Dick the Coward
...I’ve written about “Dick The Bully” “Dick The Ignorant” also This poem is about “Dick The Coward” Who is one of the lowest of low “Dick The Coward” you are gutless You follow and persecute in ......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, abuse, anti bullying, bullying,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Serial Killer
...A doctor ordained to bring people from death to life Turning into an assassin sending them from life to death Lopsided was his brain, a sure psychopath Dr. Harold Shipman committed crime a......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, abuse, betrayal, evil, murder,
Form: Rhyme
Live, the Best You Give
...Do you want peace of mind? Rescue from God who is kind? Due reward, do you want to find? You pray deeply for mankind! Agony may be very often arriving, Thorny mood, you may be deriving, Desti......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, destiny, devotion, fate, god,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Rise Over Run
...There once was a mathematician named Swope Who said,” In calculus, while I’m deriving, I hope To find an function so perfect No tangent could touch it Lest I fall on a slippery slope"......Read the rest...
Categories: deriving, math,
Form: Limerick

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