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Dendrites Poems - Poems about Dendrites

Dendrites Poems - Examples of all types of poems about dendrites to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for dendrites.
Premium Member Optimistic Onnie
...Optimistic Onnie was perpetually expecting Friends and neighbors showered her with respecting New viable ideas often occurring and interjecting Onnie’s willing openness refreshingly reflecting Co......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
A Gallery of Passing Clouds
...These thoughts we frame and title hang now from long defunct dendrites, made branchless by the passé and pointless now all strung-up upon threadbare strings. Ones or twice the hanged are molest......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Thesaurus is my Daily Friend
...Thesaurus is my daily friend Treasures in there never end I find new words time and time again Thesaurus is my daily friend Rhyme Time is the Place I venture When I want to rhyme adventure Da......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, books, words,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member his soul giving up
...Feelings of worthlessness consumed Derek Of course it rained today, ruining his last day off work Drips and drops of disappointment drizzled down his dendrites He heard his sigh before he recogniz......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, depression,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member stop being a drama queen
...I was burning up with fever wondering if my dendrites were on fire would my brain ever be the saI was burning up with fever wondering if my dendrites were on fire would my brain ever be the same?......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, cat,
Form: Free verse

Broken promises
...Promise me your hands will reach out Resilient attachment starts in childhood When the brain has colic outside the womb A mother’s unconditional love soothes worries When a birthday missed slices......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, addiction, father, mother, mother
Form: Free verse
Premium Member daisy strawberry cake
...I am going to put these daisies right into the icing she said I thought she had injured her dendrites inside her sweet head Also pushing in these half strawberries, this cake will be a delight. It......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, food,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Cloudy Bookshelf
...When that storm arrived, the entire congregation in genuflection knelt before Her poetic prayers, they saw themselves shining, eventually, in Her reflection scandalously quiet like per......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, i am, muse, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I choose to be Joyful
...I chose to be joyful and excited about my life Every single day, for at least an hour I fool my brain on the bad days She says “we are excited! We are thrilled” She is easy, wanting the best fo......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, joy,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Grandpa Frog Fools Sly Witch
...the sly old witch crept down to the bog hoping to get some legs of an unsuspecting frog the frog she found was granddaddy, wise and smart getting the best of old witches was his favorite art He......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Lion Gentleman Is a Bit Off
...The new lion gentleman at court is a bit off This is discussed by those whose dendrites think. Not sure how the jester says with a cough I catch his eye and give him an agreeing wink. We know bet......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Abcedarian To Start My Engines
...astronomical anatomical atoms buying brilliant blubbery bimbo blobs collecting claustrophobic colorized clandescently clams depicting deplorable dependable depraved dendrites enticing and enlisti......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, word play,
Form: Abecedarian
Cage brain has its own life, its own conversations, never-ending circumlocutions this confabulation of memory leaves me unsure of the reality of my thoughts is this a chemical misstep, a min......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, angst, anxiety, depression, language,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Contest Wieners
...non notables same is to same old repeat offenders nothing new back scratch revenues old poets club. canned scriptures wasted words post mortem phrases casket contusions dead dendrites. ol......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, abuse, betrayal, confusion, death,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Am Unapologetically Me
...I am a steampunk mind whirling against the face of new Colorful in all directions, I like what is happening inside I live my truth, my dendrites dancing in happy rhythm Others complain they are st......Read the rest...
Categories: dendrites, me,
Form: Free verse

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