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Delusion Poems - Poems about Delusion

Delusion Poems - Examples of all types of poems about delusion to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for delusion.
Premium Member our delusion
fault line desire soul tires of fear so sired by mind...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, desire, fear,
Form: Than-Bauk
Shatter the Delusion
Shatter the Delusion Enormity of lies Creates infallible illusion Humanity obeys unable to resist, as though with some instinct of feigned rebellion, were it ever really enough - for Earth's previous bluest skies And so unaware then naïveté persists, And so, it sticks...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, confusion,
Form: Prose Poetry

Never knew senses could deceive until now, seeing a bright I scurry . Nirvana makes my imagination go mere gesture. where I lay unaware of raucous voice , Is this the locus? A dear face I recognize, charming as allure itself...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, dream, i love you,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Flames of Love
I played on the phonograph, some serenade, I was listening to it, while I layed. The serenade with my feelings created a fusion, Then I stepped into the world of my delusion. She was holding my hand tightly, This made...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, 10th grade, april,
Form: I do not know?
Hey!! I assumed that fictional men only exists in fictional world until I met u Like I wanna pinch you nd check whether you r real one r fake one Dude you're literally far away frm...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, crush, cute love, destiny,
Form: Free verse

It’s over isn’t it
they dont know im the midas of rust everything i touch turns to dust but i have something midas lacks, eyes to see through window cracks, ears to hear the floorboards creek, legs to move me from my keep, and head...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, absence, allusion, angst, dark,
Form: Rhyme
Curse of Fear
My time has finally come. The consequences of my actions have once again caught up to me. Though in truth i was never running. Looking back i can't help but wonder what kept going wrong. Why couldn't I...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, dark, deep, fear, how
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fever Dreams
("In The Beginning There Was The Word, And The Word Was Good", 2019, original pen & ink) Fever Dreams Caught up in paranoid visions Where nothing is what it seems Where good is really bad and bad is good Where just...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, dream, perspective, sick, truth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member delusion to illumination
dust stirs oblivious to God’s life breath that makes it feel alive so it struggles and strives living in a make belief world until one day dust enters silence realising that in truth it never existed all that always was and is, is...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, spiritual, truth,
Form: Free verse
An Open Letter to the Flat Earth Society
Do you sometimes use GPS To navigate your flat world? Did you ever wonder how all those satellites Get around to the underside? Do you use a flush toilet Or a siphon? See, fluids can sometimes run uphill. Your “the Amazon River...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, education, science, world,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member And Still They Dream
("And Dream of Sheep", 2018, original encaustic) And Still They Dream I turn the corner And so arrive Where is this place Where is this time Who are these people Who fill the square Witnesses each And every one? And still they stare Eyes and mouth...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, people, perspective, social, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
borderline border of the line is it left or right forwards or backwards should i stay should you go is it me is it you or is it us? maybe its noting maybe im going to hurt you before you can...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, absence, abuse, conflict, confusion,
Form: Free verse
Our Best Time
If you can get the name, Even if you attain fame, If you regard it as yours, one and only, Can you claim it loudly? If you can bring your zone completely under control, If you know you will survive...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, corruption, july, passion, patriotic,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Delusion
Strong words from the past deluded by the society of today...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, words,
Form: Monoku
Delusion must be a comforting thing; To see the world just how you like. To give you purpose every day And let reality take a hike. But don't be troubled When I say that; Delusion Is just fine For the psychopaths and the...Read the rest...
Categories: delusion, confusion, dark, imagery, mental
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry