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Deigns Poems - Poems about Deigns

Deigns Poems - Examples of all types of poems about deigns to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for deigns.
Premium Member September Telltale Whisper
...Autumn, a time for reflections on reflections, and they are rife, linked to pearly grey sky, lake, puddle, mud strewn path or no, while each steep cliff face boldly juts, sheer defiance without......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, art, beautiful, beauty, character,
Form: Free verse
Dave Risks Early Grave
...Let us at Risk-Taking Dave Lengthily rave For choosing to live in a cave Also, The Choice of a Gorilla That could demolish a stout slave And wrestling Victory not release to a Godzilla … To ......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, character, death, desire, violence,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Boomerang
...I was forever losing things, and my laughing friends called me a klutz, Like darker skies misplace buttery sun, when a severe storm develops. I had once lost the keys to my house, and waited lock......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, day, fantasy, friendship, fun,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Courting the Sublime Significance of Nothingness
... "Courting the Sublime Significance of Nothingness" The blue lines ripple like waves to the right side of the page vacantly calm from the shallow depths of the pon......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, bullying, poets, symbolism, word
Form: Free verse
The Bauble of a Soul
...Surrendered by the ebbing tides Shards of those who passed this way, The yielding mud deigns to confide, Its secret things now on display. Sifting mud, seeking connections To touch......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, appreciation, environment, river,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Pale Moon and Bright Stars
...~ Pale moon and bright stars ~ Though I wait for the sun it's the moonlight that shines, on silhouettes' stealthy steps 'neath my sight The sun sleeps late in cool ......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, light, moon, stars,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Heart Flutters
...I see her wink My heart flutters She bats her eyelashes My knees are butter Sultry, she strolls toward me O, sublime, supreme ecstasy -- She deigns to speak, "Prithee, Who you starin......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, hope, sad, truth,
Form: Rhyme
Consign Eddies of Mounting Ire To a Pyre Fire
...Inside a bar in my town I drown brown sorrows, swilling beer after beer Feeling tall in my gaunt gown as I play the clown Wishing I could wipe away her memory into a low gear Which in my Corol......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, poems,
Form: Free verse
Happy Birthday Jackie Marie
...Rhyme Royal - Iambic Pentameter Here's my cup, Jackie Marie, happy day. It's time to raise our toast and honor thee. Drink we that life's good fortune goes your way, and Kismet deigns e'er thy ......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, birthday,
Form: Rhyme Royal
Premium Member Virgo's Unbidden Glory
...Late-September tingles on wispy nights, blowing a mild drizzle from crisp, eastern winds and lays on the hammock of gilded foliage, to decorate a new season's mantle: Its fire an......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, peace, september,
Form: Ode
Sonnet To Spring
...How lovely lies this gentle season's face, upon the fields and plains that fore were cold. Renewing life for trees and kind with grace, her sway turns winter scenes to days of gold. Now she sti......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, spring,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member A Brief Epistle in Urgent Forewarning against Melancholia--Part I
...(Somewhere in late 18th-century Europe a friend, Laetitia, by way of a letter warns her beloved girlfriend, Euphoria--a young, gay and unsuspecting mistress--against the almost inevitable seductions ......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, depression, friend, metaphor, philosophy,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Maude
...MAUDE Her red plump lips doth tease releasing mood, And glasses squeeze the shark-like eyes of Maude. My tippy-toes reach her tall tattooed knees. Maude’s eyes slide down Her beak-l......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, bullying, confidence, humor, words,
Form: Blank verse
...She lands in April, like the eglantine, and daisies flourish where she deigns to tread. When apple-blossom blazes overhead, I know the scented summer will be mine. As jasmine and clematis intertw......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, romantic,
Form: Sonnet
Pressures of Life
...Pressures of Life They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder That having no perfection but being confident makes you appear bolder. Reality is far better when my eyes are closed I see burning ......Read the rest...
Categories: deigns, addiction, beauty, blessing, crazy,
Form: Couplet

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