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Deel Poems - Poems about Deel

Deel Poems - Examples of all types of poems about deel to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for deel.

Pause For a While
...Pause.... For a while.. On the road in your life.. When things are heard and a struggle.. Dont stop but pause for a while... Life is a journey.. Everyone have there own life.. To ride along unt......Read the rest...
Categories: deel, care, encouraging, fate, identity,
Form: Free verse
...You fixed Mongolian stew on a two ring Russian-made burner. We understood that we’d not be drinking salted milk tea in Ulan Bator anytime soon. Nevertheless, we bought Kazakh embroid......Read the rest...
Categories: deel, poetry,
Form: Blank verse

Deer Colette
...Deer Colette, Thank u four the sweater. Eye did knot no it wood cost that much. It was hire than eye thought. Eye love it! U or such a suite heart. All sew, thank u four the pitchers u cent. Eye ......Read the rest...
Categories: deel, cousin, family, fun, funny,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

My Mothers Face
...Her love is more than a small child’s first word My mother’s heart and love, one in a chord She lived all my childhood dreams in adore With wisdom and love allowed them to soar When breakers......Read the rest...
Categories: deel, mom,
Form: Sonnet
Jou Boompie Groei
...Jou boompie groei ‘n Saadjie was geplant voorheen Ek het dit amper verdrink met my trane Dit het wel ontkiem, maar Donderweer, Hael en woeste wind - Onkruid, Ryp en droogtes het dit geknou.......Read the rest...
Categories: deel, growth,
Form: I do not know?

Sprake Vs Skrywe
...Sprake vs Skrywe ‘n Geskrewe woord kan nie vergaan, sal altyd sigbaar bly. Maar hy wat nou die woord kan hoor, kan waarneem wat jy voel. Die letter deur die oog gesien kry later eers sy doel. W......Read the rest...
Categories: deel, conflict,
Form: I do not know?
...Eensaam Daai eensame man speel weer op sy kitaar Sy lewe is vuil en skoon deurmekaar Hy bly by ‘n murasie, maar dalk amper nie En eensame voëls in die lug wat nog vlie’ Die drankbottels lê o......Read the rest...
Categories: deel, depression, emotions, lonely,
Form: I do not know?
...Ek wou nie wees als wat ek kon wees, Ek wou nie meer 0800 gedoen het as ander, Maar ek moes, om 'n beter toekoms te he. Troep maak seker die vlag op jou linker skouer waai altyd vorent......Read the rest...
Categories: deel, angst,
Form: Free verse
...Toe dit als eindig Daar was nêrens om te gaan Ek het myself versteek Gehoop iemand sal my kry Die dag het nooit gekom Soos tyd verloop het die pyn verdwyn Ek dog die herinneringe was ......Read the rest...
Categories: deel, angst, anniversary, depression, loss,
Form: Free verse
My Great-Grandmother, Great Mother
...My great-grandmother is sitting outside in the winter sun, with a double-felted deel, snow white hair, and a hat, just taking it in. I play at her feet, and I make a racket, running fast......Read the rest...
Categories: deel, childhood, death, dedication, family,
Form: Elegy
...dark mysteriouse eyes those think i so despise because of them i cannot see how you deel what is real it's all so confusing to me people judge your life tell you what it is adults say you'r......Read the rest...
Categories: deel, teen,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things