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Debone Poems - Poems about Debone

Debone Poems - Examples of all types of poems about debone to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for debone.

Friends, Haven'T You Any Fish
...The best poetry stays silent and deep It cries for attention below still waters Each one melting into oceans weeping I still fish poorly in infinity’s pool With no reward that satisfies How th......Read the rest...
Categories: debone, extended metaphor, faith, language,
Form: Free verse
The Analogy
...The Analogy The man has been kicking the obedient dog at will Fed the creature only when he felt it had barked enough to cushion his sleep He carried this forth and on For ages, the dog bit an......Read the rest...
Categories: debone, abuse, allegory, allusion, analogy,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Napalm In the Morning
...All the marches suppressed And dissenters in jail, Fascist troops are in charge of the mall, And God’s churches now given last rites, While our Statue of Liberty melts at Trump’s touch As our Pr......Read the rest...
Categories: debone, abuse, corruption,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Sheep and the Shepherds
...Was there something of an issue there, With a wondering sheep being lost, Just at that time when the shepherds, Were on the way to rejoice and toast? I rather think that, most definitely, ......Read the rest...
Categories: debone, angel, animal, birth, christmas,
Form: Rhyme
Cafe Selections
...Fish madam? Price Edwards a Welsh man taught me how to poach eggs fish and rabbits The recipe for poached eggs is universal Poached perch is.....Take fillets and cheeks saute in butter with a da......Read the rest...
Categories: debone, funny, social,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things