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Deal Out Poems - Poems about Deal Out

Deal Out Poems - Examples of all types of poems about deal out to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for deal out.
Premium Member She Makes No Big Deal
...She makes no big deal out of praying to her God. In front of others, she does not put her hands together It is a heart mission she feels strongly drawn to do. in her own way, in her own time, in n......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, prayer,
Form: Free verse
...It is sunny on Thanksgiving. The water has a gleam in its eye; trees huddle close to share family secrets. In the park, squirrels deal out their cards— the stakes are brown and immeasurable. ......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, thanksgiving day,
Form: Free verse

Ending the War Pt 2
...... the child within me is the one who stands back up. My inner child is the bravest part of me. Because she is driven with a desperate hope & desire. She possesses true innocence, which drives a nat......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, allegory, dark, depression,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member I Would Be a Nice Tall Oak
...If I were a tree, I would be an oak. A laughing oak with dazzling shiny hair. My leaves would twinkle and spin and prance happily in the summer. I would watch over the squirrels with their chatteri......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, tree,
Form: Personification
Memories and Time
...Time is the healer that carries us over the line, when we are saddened with someone we’re leaving behind, as we become holders of hearts that are broken apart, but memories and time are menders of......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, memory, time,
Form: Rhyme

For Parents you find that anywhere else? undeserving love and care, right from when you were born, to the day you can talk back at them. yes, your parents' decisions can be a little warped, they may get ......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, baby, birth, children, father,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Time
...Reaching out with soul and limb I fight the loneliness found deep within Another night spent among the stars I cry and ponder about where you are Will you heart reach out for me as well? Lonel......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Poetry On Trial
...Poetry on trial? I’m going to indict poetry, for infecting my soul Does it serve any purpose, or has it lost control This may seem quiet strange, perhaps unorthodox Peruse this if you will, w......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, allegory, confusion, depression, emotions,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Humility
...Does an ‘act’ that gets praised by a stranger reveal an act’s worth Or reflect more the generous heart that observes? To feel love’s Sure a gift, a response I return, no receiver can earn. All th......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, faith, love,
Form: Rhyme
In the Big House
...So you’re in the big house With the big car The big driveway And the big yard With the big pool The big fortress of high hedges Between you and your foes You had big plans And big dreams B......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, addiction, america, anxiety, business,
Form: Lyric
Red Coburn's Return, Part I
...Elden Hewett smiled at the sight of Gretta Coburn moving his way, she had worked here at his saloon, ever since that dark, tragic day. He pinched her as she walked by, said,”Now I think it’s t......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, adventure, conflict, husband, lost
Form: Cowboy Poetry
... Others have fallen, publicly shame slain by the Me Too sword Men of high society pedigree, reduced to outcast leprosy members only And the rave wave rage of women’s anger rises agai......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, abuse, character, slam, truth,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Showdown At Heller Ranch
...Don Heller owned an impressive spread, Not that far from Lindholme town, Below the tall peaks of Idaho, Down the road from Ed McGowan. Ed McGowan owned half the ville, And had two-dozen hanger......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, adventure, confusion, hero, smart,
Form: Cowboy Poetry
Premium Member Defray Deemed
...defray debt, no delay denial justified, deal out to sharers what each owes deem done......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, money,
Form: Cinquain
Premium Member A Little Phone Call Malcolm and Donald
...A Little Phone Call Malcolm and Donald by Bob Moore Hello Donald That Afro-American President, lived there just before you agreed to take these Middle Eastern fellers from Naru they are a ......Read the rest...
Categories: deal out, patriotic, political, satire,
Form: Rhyme

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