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Daniella Poems - Poems about Daniella

Daniella Poems - Examples of all types of poems about daniella to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for daniella.

Bio of myself
...In a world of verses, where dreams take flight, Daniella Carter- loves poetry, crafting words that delight. With a heart full of humor, and laughter to share, A caring soul, always ready to ......Read the rest...
Categories: daniella, care, emotions, identity, life,
Form: Bio
Premium Member I Feel So Little Send Me what you heard around the worlds said It is Good It feels Like Good Energy
...United States (US): United Kingdom (UK): Australia (AU): Germany (DE): France (FR Spain (ES): Italy (IT): Netherlands (NL) Poland (PL): Sweden (SE): Japan (JP): Canada (CA): T......Read the rest...
Categories: daniella, adventure, america, analogy, beauty,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Chapter 31-- Delilah and Damian: Marry Me
...Damian had a restful sleep. Up at 9 simply shaved Showered savagely ate. And On the road at 10 to retrieve His future. He hoped she was anxiously anticipating The surprise. The weekdays ......Read the rest...
Categories: daniella, family, marriage,
Form: Alliteration

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Apply Very Important Expression
...D-o A-ppreciate N-atal I-dea's E-ssential L-ines L-etting A-crostic J-ust A-pply V-ery I-mportant E-xpression's R-egards Topic: Birthday of Daniella Javier (January 28......Read the rest...
Categories: daniella, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
The Price of 'Progress', Part I
...If you are now reading this note I am hoping you’ll understand, I didn’t mean for any of this, was trying to be a good man. All that I was trying to do was support my only son, Dan. It started ......Read the rest...
Categories: daniella, confusion, death, gender, political,
Form: Narrative

Lovely Lines of Expression
...D-edication A-pplies N-ame I-n E-xpression's L-ovely L-ines A-s J-ovial A-uthor's V-erse I-s E-xecuted R-ighteously Topic: Birthday of Daniella Javier (January 28) Form: Vertical ......Read the rest...
Categories: daniella, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Joyful Aura
...D-elightful A-tmosphere N-icely I-solates E-vening's L-onely L-ife A-s J-oyful A-ura V-ividly I-ntroduces E-arly R-apture Topic: Birthday of Daniella Javier (January 28) Form: Ver......Read the rest...
Categories: daniella, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Mr Green
...He built a hut In a tract of a wild country Not too far from my neighborhood I visited him pretty often To gather crumbs of his wisdom He was my big pal His name was Mr Green A wise sage of st......Read the rest...
Categories: daniella, friend, love, muse, parody,
Form: Free verse
Porto Night
...From door to door until the light, players cruise the Porto night. Endless streams of cat dance haze, private like their secret stays. Loose and warm and smooth and sweet, magic merges into body hea......Read the rest...
Categories: daniella, business, night,
Form: Sonnet
...Dances with much authentic Attitude at all times. A Nice and creative choreographer, In the making. You are great and, Esteemed. I want to, Let you know that you are a, Loving individual and......Read the rest...
Categories: daniella, thank you
Form: Acrostic

Book: Reflection on the Important Things