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Culminated Poems - Poems about Culminated

Culminated Poems - Examples of all types of poems about culminated to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for culminated.
Premium Member Chronicle Of Ends
... The culminating azure ecstasy of the glistening autumn sky fades away at last with the blizzard of the arctic blast. As on the wings of winter the golden leaves fly at the end of their verd......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, analogy, feelings, life,
Form: Free verse
Let the Wind shine and the Sun blows
...A colourful day of the year, when moonlight and sunlight never enough Decorated with more lightening, colourful, beautiful and splendour Songs, dances, tours and laughers, all culminated with Hol......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, appreciation, birthday,
Form: Free verse

Killer Dog
... It was a late Saturday morning, and I was getting my 12-year-old self ready for our weekly summer sand-lot baseball game. I had my ball glove hanging on my bicycle handlebars, two baseballs, and my......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, friend, friendship, trust,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

AOC's Call to Attention for Anti-Trump's protests Q and A etc
...Q: Why did Democratic governor's in blue USA's states call out their national guard? A: Because they anticipated preelection's and postelection's demonstrations + riots regardless of which......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Do some s plaining
...As a young child I fondly recall tuning into Desi Arnez and Lucille Ball. Their chemistry was great and brought many a guffaw. Lucy always stumbled in to comical pitfalls, which culminated in to......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, america, corruption, money, perspective,
Form: Political Verse

I See You - Part 1
...Dear Single Mother, Who Works two jobs of 12 - 14 hour days to keep the lights on, & to feed little Johnny. I See you! Single Father Who Works stocking shelves and driving Uber at nights......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, black african american, courage,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Zen Mode
...beginning an action spontaneously then choosing to pause in mid flight throb germinated but not culminated attention poised in agendalessness in this vibrant void of no-thingness is where we dwe......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Power of Words
...Words Outlive Culminated at a cease, a fate sealed tight. Raise your thirst for fiction to set issues right. Bestow on doubt with each dense mental wave. Deception grips and reasoning cannot sa......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, analogy, anti bullying, prejudice,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Divine Romance
... Heart seeks more, though we keep no score; burning yearning seeks an encore, since trough follows crest, there’s no rest, in acting at ego’s behest. The joy that does not come and......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, joy, love, spiritual,
Form: Lay
Chapters of This Woman
...Chapters of this Woman Who am I? An unread story — a book whose cover is waiting to be opened for my pages to be stroked, to be turned, my words to be ingested — to be heard. Who dares to r......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, childhood, culture, daughter, father,
Form: Free verse
Evil Woman
...Blemished She lives with dishonour; Besmirched With hate, she’s surrounded Broken-down Her fate was thrown into darkness. She is the mother of evil A scum-bag of a woman A lowlife A rotter......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, abuse, anger, angst, slam,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Christmas Purpose
... The Christmas Purpose By: Miracle Man December 6, 2021 For fear of offending another, and starting a fray, many don’t say Merry Christmas, but Happy Holiday. A commercialized holi......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, christmas, jesus,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Hope
...Hope By ROSTI When the days were dark With illness and death all around, Hope lay dormant - A lamp hidden under a bushel Of despair. But it still gave it’s light To allow the man to go......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, blessing, happiness, hope, joy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Stoning of Stephen
...“You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers: You always resist the Holy Spirit! Was there ever a prophet your fathers did not persecute? They even......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, christian, murder,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Atributeless Raw Power
...we make these short notes perhaps for a latter review as a historical landscape marking events significant as it happened within form in definitively felt physicality that our affi......Read the rest...
Categories: culminated, spiritual,
Form: Free verse

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