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Crudity Poems - Poems about Crudity

Crudity Poems - Examples of all types of poems about crudity to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for crudity.

Comparing Luther and Mandela
...Shall I forget my asking a brother: “Who of The Two has A Much Taller Order?” And Dairy Hand mishandled An Udder, For round spinning to watch Close Adder… Martin Luther and Nelson Mandela, If ......Read the rest...
Categories: crudity, africa, appreciation, black african
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Some Things Are Sacred
...Some things are sacred They shouldn’t be tarnished With vulgarity or crudity They deserve reverence God is holy, above anything He shines down His love That should never be degrad......Read the rest...
Categories: crudity, blessing, faith, god, hope,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member My Own
...My pinky nails, so piercing, so oval No toothpick, no Q-tip, can hope to rival Into tight crevices they sublimely scratch Excavating pearls of luminescent ear wax Which into a sticky roll I'l......Read the rest...
Categories: crudity, beautiful, how i feel,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Poetry Performer
...You are angst poetry played on the strings of an untuned guitar A smokers cough cord that grinds like grit in a turbine Clumsy fingers that slip ......Read the rest...
Categories: crudity, angst, character, guitar, music,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Morass of Poop
...MORASS OF POOP lucid crudity, profoundly abusive, mostly nudity, but for some crass morass of poop. the dam’s jammed with ***********, jelly-like googly eyes, a real mr. potato head. i ......Read the rest...
Categories: crudity, humor,
Form: Light Verse

Premium Member Mobile Phone Predictive Texting Blues
...I've bought a brand new mabel fern, expansive, I can tell you, when I've learned just how it words I'll have a go and bell you. It's got five ponds of crudity which should last me a moth ......Read the rest...
Categories: crudity, humorous,
Form: I do not know?
Forum With My Heart: the Jungle's Lonely Voice
...Eleven – “Novelism: The-Newness-of-the-Old” (for: Deborah Guzzi, my poetess-commentator) … & the argument continues … That nothing new exists of itself in Nature is now a widely reputed view. Noth......Read the rest...
Categories: crudity, adventurenature, men, nature,
Form: Prose Poetry
Friendly Duels – Ii
...Two lasses were there One fat one slim answer to beauty Each strapping a bag of books as a babe The slim Roseline smiles at everyman In stylish exhibition of flamboyance Hiding her crudit......Read the rest...
Categories: crudity, funny
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry