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Crt Poems - Poems about Crt

Premium Member CRT 101
A complicated issue may often be better understood By breaking it down into a few undeniable facts. This is especially helpful with comprehending An issue that is new, or unfamiliar. For example: Thomas Jefferson was a famous...Read the rest...
Categories: crt, allegory, allusion, america, community,
Form: Other
Representation Is Crap, Part Ii
...Even when I look to the past the implications echo strong, I used to like Frederick Douglas, now I realize that I was wrong. Old Fred was much darker than me, so I cannot empathize with him, 5o think that he...Read the rest...
Categories: crt, corruption, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme

Representation Is Crap, Part I
I saw a man blathering on, a professor with PhD, who called himself ‘anti-racist,’ which seemed rather bizarre to me since he kept saying that we must see ourselves in culture at large, singers, actors, must be the same race, otherwise it...Read the rest...
Categories: crt, corruption, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Evils of Crt
They sat home ordering luscious pizza. Some just drank cold beer or snorted pot. Nothing was “ really” going to happen! As they rode unicorns, this lost, hapless lot. Stoned efficaciously, by the likes of CNN. America haters, all, each...Read the rest...
Categories: crt, america,
Form: Verse
Just Say No To the Crt
Just say no and stop the liberal progressive socialist agenda dividing our country, or any other country! Simply based on the CRT (Critical Race Theory)! It will further divide the divided states of America based upon...Read the rest...
Categories: crt, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

We Need To Think For Ourselves
What do you think about having babies who are only six months old becoming conscious of their races? Additionally learning how to discriminate against the existing targeted and targeting races. In short the white...Read the rest...
Categories: crt, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
The Future of America Is Bleak
A young woman fled North Korea into the United States of America. All in order to attend one of our east coastal university. She told the 700 Club that what they were teaching their students! "Was even...Read the rest...
Categories: crt, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Book: Reflection on the Important Things