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Crimsoned Poems - Poems about Crimsoned

Crimsoned Poems - Examples of all types of poems about crimsoned to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for crimsoned.
Premium Member Summertime Passion
... Lift me, high and with passion, to the crimsoned, brightness boughs. Reflecting the color of the chamber song of my faithful heart. This intimate, summertime moment exists fo......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, feelings, flower, imagery, passion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Pair of Captivating Eyes
...Was it in a dream when I first saw her, Or was it in the crowded street afar, Or was it on the beach by the setting sun, That she, my heart had won? All I saw then was a pair of eyes ......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, appreciation, cute love, first
Form: Rhyme

Seeking Yellow
...When I look at the charred plasma of a bare knuckled wind I forget the ardor of yellow. Then I recall the smeared tones of skunk cabbage rising through haze and mizzle, or how in the Far Eas......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Emerging Yellow
...When I look at the charred plasma of a bare knuckled wind I forget yellow I forget the smeared tone of skunk cabbage rising through fog and mulch or how in Chiang Mai the river at sunset ......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, poetry,
Form: Blank verse
Dying With the Ink and Pen
...A flame of scarlet crept in a swift diagonal across my cheeks, Then a gentle sarcasm ruffled my anger, They felt a melancholy monotone beat of my heart; The world! This time, not a mere figment o......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, poets,
Form: Free verse

...Without half-hissed complaint he trudged on Through many heat-crimsoned sands of fate, Humming sadly uncheering anthems to ease Countless tripping odds that beset their mate. Over slowing mound......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, anxiety, betrayal, courage,
Form: Epic
...There she is crimsoned bright-faced, smiling lips beckoning me to hurry shyly I watch it from near piercing my innocent soul with sharp unforgiving looks violently looting my desires Petals op......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, imagery, romance,
Form: Blank verse
The Secret Lives of Chimney Pots Iv
...Pied tidings of suburbian Magpies, Squawking and squabbling, Quarreling ferociously among Themselves - Rush to steal From off the beleaguered bird tables, To the annoyance of all concerne......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme
...The sea’s silver ripples gently undulate to call upon the coast and tease my feet. I am but a child. A threat, not a sign; they let me play in the breeze and brine. Waves in wild gyration j......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, beach, inspirational, introspection, life,
Form: Free verse
Jan Allison's - Fun Pyramid Cruise
...Jan Allison's - Fun Pyramid Cruise Rolling shores of sugar form on crimsoned lands Tan children run through cinnamon granules between their toes Crunchy warm, doing soccer flips, glowing orange ......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, adventure, boat, celebration, celebrity,
Form: Free verse
Vivacious Boon
...Everywhere I see You, Everywhere I feel You! In a bit or a byte, Capturing throughout my vision, Romantically draping You, in my arms of prison! Ohh my lady love,You rose my heart & I felt rocke......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, angel, anniversary, autumn, blessing,
Form: Blank verse
Valhalla - Vikings' Paradise : Mythology
...In Asgard, kingdom of the mighty God Odin A place awaits all battle fallen warrior heroes It's in Valhalla where there is endless feasting And an ending of all griefs and sorrows The Valkyries,......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, courage, god, mythology, war,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member The Titanic
...Collisions avalanche, beneath the icy Waves, of the North Atlantic. Birthed in the cradled of Belfast, A maritime giant, became crimsoned, By champions shattered tradition, An ironic omen presence to......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, adventure, imagination, inspirational, international,
Form: Free verse
Aviated Parachute
...A short poetry of Parascending by Mrs.Madhavi Aviated parachute Parachute parachute you flying so high. Like an eagle you swing in the ......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, adventure, angel, baptism, beautiful,
Form: Classicism
Premium Member Within Hours
...Looking back at our dying earth through windows of hope and despair It's hard to imagine our planet within hours will be barren and bare All we take are our memories from a place so rich in compare ......Read the rest...
Categories: crimsoned, fantasy, planet,
Form: Couplet

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry