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Countering Poems - Poems about Countering

Countering Poems - Examples of all types of poems about countering to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for countering.
Premium Member Moving Forward
...MOVING FORWARD REHAB Record 2025/01/25 09:57:23.webm Moving forward, my time at rehab. One door and corner at a time. On time here at the door. There, at the table. Eat or play. Group it......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, abuse, addiction, depression, psychological,
Form: Prose Poetry
Flying Just Off The Ground
...It took me years of training to move my legs like this, gliding over the granular on long feet with curved width, to make my legs flail left and right, my upper half stock-still, balancing and ......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, appreciation, fun, imagery, nature,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Cage Cyrch A Chwta My style
...Power you can’t bottle and sell, magick is not something to quell; Her heels click just like a bombshell, able to fuel and cast a spell; Toxic rumors grow and dispel; Throwing judgement without ......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, emotions, feelings, magic,
Form: Other

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...The staticky-stars climax under intense blanket of Winter glow. Your spouse can’t see your spirited green eyes that burn slow. The friction of campfire sticks, the satiny slipperiness of moon. F......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, metaphor, sensual, winter,
Form: Couplet
...You say your room is a confinement where you’re forced to have tea parties with your greatest enemy; your thoughts But looking through your window from the overgrown path, You room looks like a ......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, best friend, dark, growing
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Whats the current con-currancy
...Some had bank accounts taken t'was on the news this Situation' Though some reasons were given.! That these people were un-ruly Un-shriven? Yet that turned out a misnomer? Or a lie.? Maybe Jus......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, appreciation, change, character, culture,
Form: Rhyme
Making Streams
...Ohbard and Pell meet up over lifetimes and dimensions for exchanges and conversations: sat two men of opposite age on two boulders by a silted island in a stream the togas worn with wet darke......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, character, inspirational, life, nature,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Society and Politics Do Not Mix--
...Oh Contention civil liberties that I so mention enduring the cooperating social groups non-functional non-binary confused disrupted abused circumstance non-existent analytical di......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, america, analogy, anxiety, community,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
...With a roof over your head, A key to your door Fire in the grate Clippie rugs on the floor The countryside to roam A dog by his side A boy may be poor but He’s still got h!is pride. Another......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, childhood, growing up, memory,
Form: Rhyme
...Walking this path. Once populous, Now desolate Ambushed! An unspeakable ambush Now you're travailing Just inhaling and exhaling Breathing! The precious breath of life Spiritual bombs are col......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, betrayal, conflict, corruption, dark,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fight Or Flight
...fight violent, bloody kickboxing, brewing, countering warfare, confrontation, retreat, trajectory curtailing, startling, ......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, creation, poetry, words,
Form: Diamante
Premium Member Hr Huff and Puff
...They called themselves the "Moody Glues" like jets in flight higher than kites huffing to no note deadbeat drummers forever marching covertly across handless fields of teenage want. Tubing--a ......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, age, anxiety, community, confusion,
Form: Free verse
Hero and Villain
...Hero Helpful, Strong Striving, Battling, Winning Warrior, Idol, Fighter, Rescuer Opposing, Countering, Contending ......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, hero,
Form: Diamante
Premium Member We Owe It To Our Doctors
...We owe it to our doctors   We owe it to our doctors…  The ones who took it to be part of Sun Pharma’s greater mission;   To prevent disease rather cure Cure and control if that happens at ......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, devotion,
Form: Free verse
Political Music
...Distant piano music, or is it the speech of a banjo unearthed from some attic prison? Wait, do I hear a flügelhorn moaning, or is that a different conversation? Brahms plucks at his peppery b......Read the rest...
Categories: countering, poetry,
Form: Blank verse

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