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Cotyledons Poems - Poems about Cotyledons

...Grotesque, in its unyielding grip of the vehement soul, A parody, a caricature, of mercy's exalted role. An avalanche of despair, harrowing as the Holocaust; As scars accrue—like bitter frost l......Read the rest...
Categories: cotyledons, dark, light,
Form: Rhyme
...Peas of the same pod, nurtured by soil's clutch, Polarized cotyledons, vying for homely touch. Like a sunflower sagging toward heliotrope’s light, The diffident monocot cradles itself in materna......Read the rest...
Categories: cotyledons, sister,
Form: Couplet

Seraphic Embers
... I've always wandered in venus' orbs, searching for the star-seed of my spirit that has forsaken it spiritual sanguinary and caged every fluorescent flicker in a sculptured ......Read the rest...
Categories: cotyledons, deep, destiny, emotions, life,
Form: Free verse
...Am I awake or asleep? Is this a vision? Or some day dream? Am I sleepwalking and dreaming And talking all at once? I see a new bred bud Burst forth from around the Niger. Like a multi-dicoty......Read the rest...
Categories: cotyledons, africa, faith, hope,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member October Orbitals
...October vortexes summer scampered with steam auburn haze Keats poetized musings of darkness In windswept mardy asteroid blizzard unruffled booms me......Read the rest...
Categories: cotyledons, analogy, character, endurance, passion,
Form: Other

My Little Heart's Joy
...I am but a twinkling cloud Into the switching sky; evanesce in the woods flee with the cotyledons leaves Swaddled among the thorny bushes. Sank with me o dear in the forest deep. Count the gr......Read the rest...
Categories: cotyledons, heart, love,
Form: I do not know?
...Rapturous noise from the sky; makes dark clouds to shed crocodile tears, as heavy wind blows, sand,paper and polythenes fly and float all through and through... Many roofing sheets beat the drum lik......Read the rest...
Categories: cotyledons, nature, science, water, fish,
Form: Free verse
Wet Season
...dark clouds appear as lightning sparks and wind blows... rain is around umbrella spreads... water pours down heavily flooding the land seeds sprout out to form new cotyledons... soil is wet frog c......Read the rest...
Categories: cotyledons, nature,
Form: Haiku
Green Couplets 02 Touchy Composition
...Between two cotyledons— plant grows with a bud! With two lines— couplets come into flower with an idea. Sometimes, two lines may be more powerful than two hundred lines. Small verses like couplet......Read the rest...
Categories: cotyledons, art, may,
Form: Couplet
The Wheel
...He was very thin, half naked, one arm broken, glasses cracked. Early morning an owlet will land over its head And give a long hoot. The bleary eyes will look down non-chalantly on browsing goa......Read the rest...
Categories: cotyledons, adventure, allegory, angst, animals,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things