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Cook Poems - Poems about Cook

Cook Poems - Examples of all types of poems about cook to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for cook.
Problem Statement, cook county, sheriff in style !
Problem Statement, cook county, sheriff in style ! My father’s daughter was engaged to my father’s sister’s son. My father’s mother opted out to have a side to join the festive eve. She (narrator) stopped as...Read the rest...
Categories: cook, art,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member People Beg Me to Not Cook
When I want to cook others beg me to stop. I once baked a cake that when rolled could hop. We made it into balls and watched it go down the walk. Some of it was whisked away...Read the rest...
Categories: cook, humor,
Form: Rhyme

Egon Hedin the cook
Egon Hedin the cook When I joined the ship as a second cook I had trained as a baker, on a tank ship with forty crews, one, who could bake a passable loaf was needed The cook’s...Read the rest...
Categories: cook, anti bullying, beautiful, confidence,
Form: ABC
Premium Member cook and the cockroach
Cockroach germs come off their feet Walking on used dishes with left over sweet Cook goes after the bug with a yellow broom Cockroach runs rapidly out of the kitchen room Cook thinks everything will now be okay Not knowing...Read the rest...
Categories: cook, addiction,
Form: Rhyme
For Best Results Cook From Now Onwards
Remove outer sleeve and packaging Place in large oven proof dish Ride dolphins perpendicular to the beach Paint weightlessness with fluorescent paint Season to taste and add thoughts provided Bake on medium heat for real before serving ...Read the rest...
Categories: cook, food, fun, humorous, imagery,
Form: Light Verse

the humble cook
The humble cook Once upon a time, a cook was a person who prepared food for hungry people, simple food like meat cakes in gravy and boiled potatoes one needed not to be a genius, but the person knew how...Read the rest...
Categories: cook, abuse, adventure, age, anti
Form: Blank verse
A Cook Abroad
The best moment When you heard appreciation With your boss and see their happiness But it's a saddest moment Deep inside thinking of your children And hoping you can cook for them too Hoping that you make...Read the rest...
Categories: cook, career, life, work,
Form: Free verse
Cook Food In Nature
Fish Garlic Paprika Salt Black pepper Rosemary Olive oil Carrot Purple onion Hot red pepper Butter Zucchini Basil Avocado 4 eggs White or Parmesan cheese....Read the rest...
Categories: cook, desire, food, uplifting,
Form: List
Premium Member Cook Me up a Jewish Dish
Matzo ball soup, gefilte fish cook me up a Jewish dish Kneidels and kreplach, knishes too a bissele...Read the rest...
Categories: cook, abortion, food, humor, jewish,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member AI Wife
There once was a man named Ike Who purchased an AI wife He thought it best To give her a test Before warranty ends midnight He programmed her to be unique To sing to cook to clean He did forget The...Read the rest...
Categories: cook, art, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
a ship's cook
A ship's cook  The sea is dark, clunky, and calm today slowly undulate  turns white where the ship's bow has plowed a furrow that stretches for miles. Gulls still follow us, shrieking and waiting for the cook to throw overboard waste...Read the rest...
Categories: cook, absence, anti bullying, books,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Chat
For me, I’d love to stay and chat but all this tea and cake is fat that I do neither want nor need. If I stayed, it would be for greed. So she learned to cook in health and I...Read the rest...
Categories: cook, drink, food, friendship, health,
Form: Rhyme
the cook and his sister
the cook and his sister once I was a poet blinded by the shiny pebbles, by the shore of purity and heart delight, but it was not to be although it was said about me in India, this...Read the rest...
Categories: cook, absence, adventure, conflict,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Holiday Cookies
My mommy lets me lick the bowl when she makes sugar cookie dough. She shapes them with a cookie cutter and brushes them with lots of butter. And when she puts them in to bake, I stare and stare and...Read the rest...
Categories: cook, child, dad, father, food,
Form: Rhyme
Captain cook
Captain cook I built a ship in a vale of stones and thorny bushes It took 24 years and more to set sail on a dream boat to China I met her on the blue sea of Malaga,...Read the rest...
Categories: cook, absence, allah, april,
Form: Blank verse

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