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Content Poems - Poems about Content

Content Poems - Examples of all types of poems about content to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for content.
His arm surrenders around my waist not capture, not lie down but as if, it's his natural instinct to do so and he's no more fighting it His hands lightly cascade down my hair a small admiration a soft sigh he tries...Read the rest...
Categories: content, appreciation, beautiful, blessing, cute,
Form: Free verse
Problematic Content
It's being used here for emphasis denaturing and altering the structure of germy surfaces. Anti bacterium was created from the need to both clean and eliminate funk and bacteria. Vegetative Forms of bacteria can be cleaned with alcohols. But have no affect on...Read the rest...
Categories: content, business, music, science,
Form: Bio

Premium Member A Loner
I never truly Realized Until I became An adult The significance Of me, a loner Requiring no attention Just myself And that, that makes Me content ...Read the rest...
Categories: content, age, peace,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Canadian Content
From the mid-1950's thenceforth to the mid-seventies in the Great White North, over the course of many moons, there came from this country some really great tunes. For those of us young at heart (or not-so-old) we had Neil Young's...Read the rest...
Categories: content, history, music,
Form: Rhyme
A Very Catchy Phrase for A New Content
Imagine this, I put up like this, There is no end to it, The night came in, The creeps give the chills, I wonder how to feel, It is the sequel, The storyline is captivating, Very eye-catching, The movie Serpent is in search, For a...Read the rest...
Categories: content, 12th grade, adventure, america,
Form: Rhyme

Table Of Content
It is twenty two o’clock in time Where days without numbers drop A pocket watch falls with broken hands Lost, out of sync with reality There where winds breath in shadows Consumed by the sun’s last light ...Read the rest...
Categories: content, image, mystery, time,
Form: Free verse
Table Of Content
It is twenty two o’clock in time Where days without numbers drop A pocket watch falls with broken hands Lost, out of sync with reality There where winds breath in shadows Consumed by the sun’s last light ...Read the rest...
Categories: content, image, mystery, time,
Form: Free verse
Content Yourself
Just be content With what you have And be grateful That you have it....Read the rest...
Categories: content, character, life, wisdom,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member my parents were content
if I had a time machine I would go back and change myself for my attitude was negative back in the day I would bring myself paints for I never had them, and they are my largest joy I would have loved...Read the rest...
Categories: content, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member That's the difference
Categories: content, appreciation, irony,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Mom's Plan Is ALL Right
Humanity's produced all through the ages A thin but steady stream of brilliant sages. Good and Evil... the Meaning of Life... The causes of all our confusion and strife... Good guidance and advice come from their careful pondering As we,...Read the rest...
Categories: content, celebration, cheer up, conflict,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Content
Sending, receiving, a day-to-day living With all bits and pieces that look quite alike Once you step back, there’s no sign of retrieving As if your body and mind went on strike It isn’t much different kind of existence Everything...Read the rest...
Categories: content, care, depression, longing, love,
Form: Rhyme
Above the Melting Ice
Above the Melting Ice Soft white skin, taut and smooth. Insulated from the Arctic cold, Snuggled warm in its wetsuit, he sleeps. Protected from predators, Camouflaged as a mound of snow, Ignoring sounds of cracking and popping. Each inhale releases,...Read the rest...
Categories: content, 10th grade, 9th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Seize The Moment
Dawn is the best time for watching frolicsome birds in my garden Listening to their chirping, cooing, tweeting to each other, My life seems fulfilled…although I know, Everything is transient, we all are proceeding to the inevitable, Only...Read the rest...
Categories: content, inspirational, time,
Form: Carpe Diem
Premium Member Content
Content such a beautiful way to feel Complete and whole Happy to be me With a blessed abundant soul!...Read the rest...
Categories: content, feelings,
Form: Rhyme

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