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Consoling Poems - Poems about Consoling

Consoling Poems - Examples of all types of poems about consoling to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for consoling.

Premium Member the divine consoling
the world it causes hearts ~ to suffer grief's ache then pain burnt to ashes for dearest yeshua ~ your presence this day the divine consoling...Read the rest...
Categories: consoling, 6th grade, 7th grade,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member The Consoling Language of Trees
I am from the clan of trees we speak in the language of nature’s hidden tongue for our souls talk under the ground in the roots where we are bound we are held together with the promise of living we...Read the rest...
Categories: consoling, beauty, earth, science, tree,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Consoling the Heart
Falling from the mourning skies Gentle thoughts and silent rhymes Breathing grief through the spirit Singing comfort with God’s tender hope LIND30NR Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Chantelle Anne Cooke March 6, 2022 ...Read the rest...
Categories: consoling, death, grief, sorrow,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Consoling Nature
The sun peeks over hills and its rays crawled up onto my skin, Waves as calm as a mill pond and were coated with liquid crystals - Gray thoughts and unrequited love A cruel sentiment that only...Read the rest...
Categories: consoling, beauty, desire, earth, love,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Do You Not Recognize Me
come sit with me a while, my darling beneath this apple tree come sit with me, my sweetheart do you not recognize me come sit and keep me company, my love i’ll welcome you every season of the year come sit...Read the rest...
Categories: consoling, grief, lost love, missing
Form: Personification

Premium Member Comes the Night
‘neath piles of blankets crying herself to sleep she rocks ever so gently in maternal arms her loss too much to take in shock she rocks so gently in maternal arms ‘neath piles of blankets crying herself to sleep AP: Honorable Mention 2020 Posted on...Read the rest...
Categories: consoling, cry, grief, hurt, loss,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Angelic
angelic wingspan of the night somehow soothing posted on September 19, 2018...Read the rest...
Categories: consoling, angel, caregiving, grief, sorrow,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Kissing
kissing the tears away of her broken heart AP: Honorable Mention 2020 Posted on September 12, 2018...Read the rest...
Categories: consoling, cry, heart, heartbreak, kiss,
Form: Senryu
Consoling Prospect
C-loud beneath the sky H-as its own silver lining, E-xpressing new hope. Topic: Birthday of Cherry "Che" Cadano (March 15) Form: Acrostic Haiku...Read the rest...
Categories: consoling, birthday,
Form: Haiku
Consoling Arm Recovered Dignity
Villa tapestries gave the space a hushed quality Baskets of bread fruit cold chicken and some wine Books some paper some quills and a bottle of ink White horse fair haired...Read the rest...
Categories: consoling, friendship, nostalgia, people,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Reflection on the Important Things