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Congolese Poems - Poems about Congolese

Congolese Poems - Examples of all types of poems about congolese to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for congolese.

As some congolese patriots Celebrated this new year 2024 in Different places, Many gospel ministers Prayed to see peace in The entire country soon....Read the rest...
Categories: congolese, celebration, encouraging, new year,
Form: Rhyme
If I say "they cut hands and legs of millions innocent congolese." It is the truth Which can not  be hidden under the earth. Why did they do that to innocent people? Just heartless and...Read the rest...
Categories: congolese, africa, imagery, truth,
Form: Free verse

No one is hated more than he who speaks the truth - Pluto as Belgian officers cut off legs and hands Of innocent Congolese from 1885, king Leopold II smiled, the victims of atrocities cried, many Belgians applauded to encourage murderers. The world was so...Read the rest...
Categories: congolese, africa, imagery, truth,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Women On Their Knees
When you see some  African women on their knees singing ...Read the rest...
Categories: congolese, encouraging, inspirational, song,
Form: Free verse
Why Many Rich Congolese Always Keep Millions Usdollars Under the Grounds
When you ask many  rich Congolese of the East of DRCongo about the reasons of keeping their millions US dollars under the grounds.  Majority of them will point  the Wars And some Rebellions Which are pushing And ...Read the rest...
Categories: congolese, africa, business, emotions, feelings,
Form: Free verse

A Congolese Okapi Brings Me Your Love Letter
A Congolese okapi brings me Your love letter,  darling ! You decided well to not  send It via the sky this time. You said that you want to see me, Face to face. Oya! Well done darling,  My future...Read the rest...
Categories: congolese, america, romance, romantic love,
Form: Free verse
Humble Nation , Congolese
Oh! good people ,         Congolese of Democratic                   Republic of the Congo, One of good and kind nations in the World                       Very hospitable                        And Sociable                          Peaceful                           And Joyful                            Pentient                            And Loving                            Very...Read the rest...
Categories: congolese, 12th grade, abuse, class,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry