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Conga Poems - Poems about Conga

Conga Poems - Examples of all types of poems about conga to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for conga.

Premium Member In a Pickle
being in a May-December relationship could test the boundaries of patience like the football socks under a teenager’s bed it does not age well these relationships have unique challenges the rehashed stories of ‘the good old days’ smell of figments...Read the rest...
Categories: conga, analogy, satire,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Follow Me
Follow Me Come on, join in, hook onto the end of the conga line! Hands on the hips of one ahead all following along in a snaky, winding, whooping line like a centipede jiggly jiving, legs astride! Three shuffles on the beat, step,...Read the rest...
Categories: conga, dance,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Dancing
To jitterbug and jive, perhaps to feel alive; Dreaming that I too could dance as well as you; Strutting to a tango in Chichicastenango Touring a veranda edged with jacaranda. Four eyes eagerly dancing; engagingly entrancing Above paired swaying hips...Read the rest...
Categories: conga, dance, dream, imagery, music,
Form: Imagism

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Conga Line
The conga line stretches on for miles, With wedding gown leading her groom, Swerving in and out of future trials, Before the newlyweds head to their room. With wedding gown leading her groom, Happily stunning in her pearly crown. Before the...Read the rest...
Categories: conga, marriage, wedding,
Form: Pantoum
The Conga Drums Speak
Listen to the Conga drums speak Drench my soul with the spirited beat Break the chains from around my feet And sprinkle some rum on the street. Listen to the conga drums speak Penetrating mystics’ way out in the deep Electrify...Read the rest...
Categories: conga, africa, beauty, black african
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry