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Concuss Poems - Poems about Concuss

Concuss Poems - Examples of all types of poems about concuss to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for concuss.

Autumn' tropical sand cups nut
... coconuts' concuss light-craze boggles ~ sight failing tourists blearing up dented sand cups nut hammer screwdriver to milk machete dispatch caribe-dude's swingin's no ......Read the rest...
Categories: concuss, nonsense, paradise,
Form: Haiku
Mirred By the Fooloishness
...With catàstrophe everything a mortal can muster might be the end to what he thought or should have thought It is increasingly tolerable he said analizing his pain Yet the concuss gain and what......Read the rest...
Categories: concuss, england, fishing, health, horse,
Form: Bio

Perso Que' Bassoons and Strangs
...they are gonna try to find a way to relate it to their lives they are gonna try to overstand. make something out of their interest in someone new. thinking they're unloyal to what they spoke of a......Read the rest...
Categories: concuss, betrayal, guitar, music, perspective,
Form: Romanticism

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...Ago I watched a woman coax A fellow back from death. Sand clung to the drowned Man's shoulder, briny fluid Dripped from clustered hair Breath pushed lung to throat In that moment inelastic li......Read the rest...
Categories: concuss, corruption, dark, evil, universe,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Un-Ringing the Bells
...Un-Ringing the Bells To live in the shadow of the steeples the tintinnabulation of Poe’s bells* tormenting the sinners as they slumber wrestling the darkened dreams of childhood hells foll......Read the rest...
Categories: concuss, change, growing up,
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member Free Power - Part One
...Free Power from O P S ......Read the rest...
Categories: concuss, political, satire, love, power,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Exile
...for Prithwin first left downstroke start from the top plane out let the long anchor tip roof-line curve sharply upwards at the stern down-end pile it in stuffed in the centre leave the bot......Read the rest...
Categories: concuss, imagination,
Form: Free verse
...Why is it we have the means to be nice, but often instead, we're as cold as ice? Does our mind let loose from some hidden noose, secret thoughts that are of no good use? Our words hang like a......Read the rest...
Categories: concuss, introspection,
Form: Rhyme
A Dream To My Nightmare
...A dream is but A dream, and A nightmare is but A nightmare, only Sometimes it can Be so much more Once your mind Arrives there, Ever once dreamed That dream where You’re chased throughout ......Read the rest...
Categories: concuss, fantasydream, dream,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry