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Concretely Poems - Poems about Concretely

Concretely Poems - Examples of all types of poems about concretely to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for concretely.
Concrete Flower
...A flower sprouts in the middle on hard concrete... Concretely, it's a miracle !......Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, allegory, allusion, appreciation, extended
Form: Light Verse
...heeding the worst; lips he would rehearse; kiss purpose would hurt his- heart it immersed; drips- sweat and a forced breath the words that his mouth bled- loud and dispersed; head; nose; c......Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, anxiety, beauty, courage, crush,
Form: Rhyme

How Stoic Are We
...What happens to the state of fear that we just realized... but concretely we only sense, ......Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, adventure, allegory, allusion, fear,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Existence of Silence In the Worlds
...Silence is dressed in emptiness, walk the opened paths of further silences and absences... Does not produce smells, and neither spreads visions... But it felt concretely by the most thinking mi......Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, allusion, appreciation, metaphor, silence,
Form: Free verse
What Is Love Concretely
...What is love ? Concretely, it's a wave that wet the body completely without using a drop of water... is a fire of a million of degrees, that warm up an ocean of sensations, and does not ......Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, allegory, allusion, chocolate, imagery,
Form: Free verse

Scenes of Life
...A sneaky girl in the tiptoe, look over the window ... a disheveled doll almost loses everything in a wash ... Phenomenal music goes through my spine and my vibrations silent strings .........Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, allegory, allusion, celebration, creation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Freed Verse Concretely
...C H R I S T S S O D U ......Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, art, poetry, word play,
Form: Imagism
...To have the formula from the sweet word , I have honey of poetry, every day ... I lay in my crystal bed and I fall asleep in the purest alchemy ... My poetic dreams they......Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, allusion, bereavement, creation, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My First Abc Poem
...Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz hijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ijk......Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, angel, appreciation, dedication, education,
Form: ABC
Premium Member My Book of Lists
...A book of lists is what I need to absolve Earth's Tribes of rampant greed. Before and after lists, being and becoming fists, masculine and feminist mutual mentoring trists of transliterative......Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, culture, earth day, history,
Form: Political Verse
Struggling With My Imagination's Running Shoes i am struggling with my imagination's running shoes they have gotten me on this four lane highway my mind is blank and immune, at the moment, to all sounds period here i am struggling with......Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, conflict, growth, how i
Form: Free verse
The Chapped Skin of Localized Truth
...bewildered, i try to find a chapter in which a comforting compromise is inevitable awestruck, i seek the majestic bookmark that restores that definitvive warmth to my hypothermiated soul i need you......Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Mark My Words
...Free from me, this gnawing Aggression; To soften my Heart, concretely hard Trampled under the Wheels of Progression- Which have left me disfigured- scarred! Via vox, I vow a pox, Pour my hatred in u......Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, hate, heart, hope,
Form: Rhyme
Looking At My Fingers
...In my room I saw my fingers That I have never thought of It were all together But it were different to each others I looked at and My other hand burnished each one I checked one by one I wanted t......Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, absence, feelings, friend, happiness,
Form: Classicism
The Artist and the Poet
...There aint no other way how to put it or how to say it,Im the Artist and the Poet/ Through my created creations I show it/ Im gonna rize to the poetic mountain top before you even know it/ This my ......Read the rest...
Categories: concretely, art, hope, life, native
Form: Ballad

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