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Concoction Poems - Poems about Concoction

Concoction Poems - Examples of all types of poems about concoction to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for concoction.

Concoction for an Adoption
another option came up with a concoction for an adoption...Read the rest...
Categories: concoction, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Concoction Is Almost Ready
Witch owl stirred the antique broom handle in a slow steady way The cauldron’s energy turned from gray and orange to green that day. The concoction is almost ready she told the bats from West Avenue Bay. Cheering...Read the rest...
Categories: concoction, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Monorhyme

Premium Member My Pancake Concoction
I sprinkle corn in my pancake batter. Not enough to make the pancake lumpy but enough corn, that I taste it. Topping off my pancake with peanut butter and butter and maple syrup and maybe a touch of whipped cream just...Read the rest...
Categories: concoction, food,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Magical Love Concoction
Giggles and happiness Go hand in hand When you're head over heels in love We giggle like a teen At our first love scene We discover girls are so nice to hug Can't think of a thing I'd rather be doing Than smooching...Read the rest...
Categories: concoction, devotion,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Own Concoction
Some people call it breakfast which makes me snicker and giggle It might have been since it starts with a pancake or two except then I add extra things to make it into a dessert. At the very...Read the rest...
Categories: concoction, food,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member I Am a Special Concoction
An Icy cold, sweet treat. Often starts with vanilla, cookie cream, ...Read the rest...
Categories: concoction, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Concrete
An Awesome Concoction
An Awesome Concoction After I finally had finished shaving Did kind of come up with a craving For something savory and delightful Would eat and enjoy every bite full. So my find wife started slaving away Came up with concoction that...Read the rest...
Categories: concoction, hilarious, humorous,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member A Magical Love Concoction
Giggles and happiness Go hand in hand When you're head over heels in love We giggle like a teen At our first love scene We discover girls are so nice to hug Can't think of a thing I'd rather be doing Than smooching...Read the rest...
Categories: concoction,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Evil Concoction
The witch’s brew Concoction of many things All evil inside She stirs it all with a large stick Gnarled and old it stirs and stirs The potion is for Unsuspecting young lass That wants love She’ll do anything For her tender hearts desire Even ask...Read the rest...
Categories: concoction, holiday, life,
Form: Rengay
Premium Member Devil's Concoction
This has brought my express train to a halt. A smoky distillation of barley malt, has me unable to think straight. Here I am in the joint very late. One shot was not enough to sate me; soon there came...Read the rest...
Categories: concoction, confusion, recovery from..., me,
Form: Rhyme
Capricorn Concoction . . .
C arefree to an extent, A mbitious and analitical P retty darned straightforeward R arely very neatly coiffed I ce cream sundaes are my favourite C rafty and creative - okay, maybe a tad bit then! O pen and understanding,...Read the rest...
Categories: concoction, satire
Form: Acrostic
~a Concoction of Me~
A permanent separation between brows and crown; divorce still pending, though ears have retained coverage rights, and eyes - so blue they are brown – accents to embellish emotional belief of baggage carried. Spring pressured jaw that always seems to...Read the rest...
Categories: concoction, funny
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry